Vector is swimming, but he is a hungry absorbent sponge ? How can he deal with this swimming when he can only absorb... ? Vector.. be okay ? Vector died for our sins. God bless Vector our lord and saviour amen hallelujah.
A happy birthday to myself for all my good work; in the form of Vector. God bless me; I'm great.
Mizael just wants some taco bell so he has to travel all the way to America, but at what cost when all the other Barian are hungry for some breakfast too? has some curses
Yuma has taken a test to make sure he does not have a disease like HIV, but.. the truth is out.. Wiill Tetsuo and Gilag still love him? Rated M for talk of sexual disease.
Vector and all the other barians are afraid of the lemon. Why is it here ? Get the lemon away...
Kaito Jenjo Is Back And He Is Looking For Missle, Can Missle Show Him The Love He So Needs ? Missle x Jenjo ! And The 7 Zarian Emperors...
Merag wishes she could've done something to prevent Kaito's death. AU in which Kaito does not come back. 3Diamondshipping3
It was the oatmeal trying to seduce IV wasn't it ? Not IV, IV did nothing wrong so why does IV get punished ! Stupid oatmeal, never trust it.
Gilag is doing the dentist thing wrong, Gilag isn't sure why he had to do a job and why is he suddenly Mexican ? We just don't know.
Droite is learning that she is a butterfly and that she needs to soar off fly and high, Droite is sorry that she had to break Kaito's window to do it.
Astral is scared and alone and afraid or maybe he just have a paper bag on his head. Astral is still learning.
Alit is going dog shopping and Gilag is concerned, but Alit not care cuz he beat up dogs.
Yuma and Fuuya are roleplaying but at what cost ?
Durbe tries to explain weeks to Mizael. Mizael no understand. Mizael no comprehende. it all goes bad. All mal.
Durbe fails a test and spirals in to depression but who can save him ? Is it Nasch ? No.. no one can save Durbe... Durbe can't be saved... Goodbye Durbe...
IV loved Barbie dolls, but when Vector breaks in what will IV do ? IV will make a beautiful doll with the help of number 40. But what happened to his brothers ? This is what Vector gets for always robbing stores, poor Vector crack bandit butthole. This story is nutty, butty also fun.
Vector buys a bunny but it doesn't love him so he throws it away, he beats up Durbe and Alit and he calls Mizael weird names, oh Vector you're so bad
Rio and Kaito have a breakup but Rio is the first one to always come back, is this the final straw or does Kaito love her enough ?
Sora is sad because Yuuya will not let him be his apprentice so he tries to rid himself of his life... But how ? How will he do it ? We just don't know.
Dog-Chan is partying hard for a little baby puppy girl. Turn up ! She gets so partied up with her dogs, she even accidentally beats one up. Uh-oh.