

  • First Place

    Earning first place isn't always easy, but its the best feeling in the world.

  • Vacation Island

    When Tamaki, being the idiot he is, decides to take the hosts on vaction to a private island, things don't go exactly as planned. Who is this new arrival? And why are they looking for Honey-senpai? (Thank you to cookiemonkey123 for help with the summary!)

  • Purple?

    Gabe dyes Kota's hair purple and will have to face the wrath of Erica! Maybe?

  • Nagisa's Swim

    A story about Nagisa's first ever swim meet. Better than the summary, but short. I'm feeling nervous about my own swim meet, so R&R for cookies and kisses.

  • Quartet Night's Composer

    We all know who composes for STARISH, but who writes Quartet Night's songs?

  • Misaki's Birthday Present

    Misaki gets an unexpected gift. In the form of a young girl!

  • I know all about you

    A girl follows Yuuri and Murata to the great demon kingdom, but how does she know them? Rated T just in case. Real thing is better than the summary.

  • Vacation

    Usagi has a vacation from work and figures it's high time to take Misaki on that trip to England he promised, but no trip goes exactly as planned