
wild wolf free17

  • knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend

    On his way to Gotham, Jason runs into the ex-Winter Soldier.

  • we would have to keep this secret

    [modern-day AU] Bucky turns up in Steve's apartment not to long after Steve's 26th birthday minus his left arm and with a high-tech prosthetic. "Hey, Stevie," he says, slumped in the armchair. "I need your help."

  • Life for me ain't been no crystal stair

    The weapon-trying-to-be-a-man discovers the best revenge. [or, Bucky finds a homeless child and lets her become his conscience]

  • Live as I have lived and love as I have loved

    In the worst possible timeline, Steve jumped after Bucky.

  • where there are no keepsakes

    Albus Dumbledore tries to get a Harry Potter raised by the Winter Soldier and Captain America (with help from the Avengers) to attend Hogwarts. (Spoiler: he fails.)

  • The hot July moon saw everythin'

    [serial killer AU] Bucky kills them. Steve chooses who, how, and where.

  • I love the word warm

    5 times Bucky was told he could pick whatever he wanted from somewhere (a clothing store, food, a haircut, anything) and his response were big, hopeful puppy eyes and "Anything I want?" And it broke Steve's heart. 1 time he didn't even get told, he just ran to the hills and picked whatever he wanted in glee because Jesus H. Christ he can pick what he wants now!

  • The Heirs of Durin

    A collection of moviebased drabbles about Fili&Kili.

  • changing the legends

    Anthology of Harry Potter fics. All stand alone; each has separate ratings and warnings. Mostly AU, slash, or angst.

  • this peculiar place where hope is not for fools

    The ex-Winter Soldier is adopted by two civilians. The result is heartbreaking fluff.

  • in the storybook

    Oneshots about Jefferson

  • in another life

    drabbles in a genderswap AU for the Leverage crew

  • you scout the road ahead

    When Bucky falls from the train, he doesn't get found by anybody. He wanders away under his own power because he's a werewolf.

  • hourly conceived and hourly born

    Jefferson's origin story: the youngest prince of a land where everyone has magic.

  • It was not by their sword that they won the land

    On the seventh day, the little girl stands in front of him, spine straight, head held high, and says, "Hi." He gathers his words slowly, but he finally returns, "Hello."

  • What was, is gone

    Daemon AU where Methos decides to take in the ex-Winter Soldier.

  • of thieves and hoards

    Fantasy AU - Sophie's a dragon, Parker's an air elemental, Hardison a technomage, Nate an illusionist, and Eliot a shapeshifter.

  • protector

    Steve's daemon is named Buchiel; Steve calls him Bucky. [canon compliant daemon AU]

  • The Prince Husband

    Four years after Buttercup dies on the high seas, victim of the Dread Pirate Roberts, Prince Humperdinck offers Westley an opportunity to become the Prince Consort. [role reversal AU]

  • where gold and fire abound

    Daemon AU - the Winter Soldier never knew what he was missing.