Sometimes, some people simply demand a good, old-fashioned beating. When Hermione Granger's ex-husband shows up at their business, Severus can't resist the urge...
Severus has a lot to deal with on Valentine's Day. Rated "M" Fluffy, snarky, fun.
Severus is dealing with OCD while wooing his witch. Fluffy-fluff. Rated T.
Three years after the war, Severus is slightly broken. Three snapshots showing how he gets better. Rated T for thematic elements.
Minerva is meddling, and Professor Snape and Professor Granger are bonding over Chocolate. Fluffy one-shot...rated M for a reason.
HG/SS AU. Take one brilliant magical geneticist. Add a snarky potion master who has recently been declared the sexiest wizard alive… bring to a hard boil and stir in trouble…. Rated M because we all know where this is heading...
When Delores Umbrage manages to force through a marriage law, how will Severus Snape and Hermione Granger react?'s not going to be pretty . AU one shot. Fluffy fluff!
Years after Hogwarts, a widowed Hermione Granger Weasley is surprised to see Draco Malfoy walk into her office. What in the name of Merlin could a St. Mungo's Medical Curse Breaker need from her? Rated M for later chapters.