
  • Per Aspera Ad Astra

    Sequel to Non Revertens. When Hermione goes to search for her parents, she finds two more people along the way. One very confused and broken Draco Malfoy, and one older looking and disoriented Harry Potter? She finds herself trying to get through to both Malfoy and Potter, neither seeming to like the other, and neither wanting to accept her help.

  • Non Revertens

    Harry Potter has won the war, but things are getting shaken up once again when Harry is faced with Death Eaters and a time turner. One nasty attack lands Harry in a different and unfamiliar time... with the original Marauders?

  • Non Revertens

    When Hermione leaves Harry to look after a time-turner, Harry guards it well. When the time-turner malfunctions, Harry finds himself further in the past than he ever imagined possible. With no way back, Harry is forced to live life in the past. Will he be able to keep the timeline in tact? Struggling with the reality, Harry seeks help from Dumbledore to see if the past can't

  • Unique Among the Normal

    When Dudley notices strange things happening, he has to accept that his son is special. Being raised to hate anything related to magic, he struggles between his hatred for these strange mishaps and his love for his only son. Will he leave his son, or will he seek help? Will he rebuild broken bridges, or let them shatter?