
  • Say Something

    Say something, I'm giving up on you. Orihime is done- she knows she lost her chance.

  • Unwanted

    History remembers action. It never remembers emotion.

  • Anniversary

    They were children; one who had felt too much pain, and one who had not felt enough to truly understand. So they take solace in music and the sunset, and the joy lasts for only a short while. But it is enough to keep them going. Ties to "The Ones Left Behind" and "Hated News".

  • Beauty

    Luna, Lavender, Hermione, Ginny. Compare and contrast.

  • Overflow

    He had never intended for his weapon to be used against Rukia.

  • Thank You

    "What am I supposed to do now?" he asked it. The moon did not answer. He had not expected it to.

  • Is It Hatred or Indifference?

    I know he hates me. I've always known it. And I understand, too. But, what I don't get, though, is why he hates me so... what did I do?

  • All Too Well

    Based on Taylor Swift's new song, "All Too Well" from her new album, "Red", is a story about Ron and Lavender, after her death. Ron reflects of her and their relationship, eight months later, while sitting watching snow and drinking hot chocolate. For "Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges Forum- 'Red' Challenge."

  • Love is Insane, Darling

    Love is Insane, just like you.

  • Letters: Sirius

    Twelve letters that Sirius never saw, and then one, written by Remus Lupin, on Christmas. Rated for some major swearing, slash. R&R

  • Forks And Knives

    ""They do say that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain. They are, of course, wrong, as you will soon discover when I stick this toasting fork in your head." Rodolphus winced and fought the urge to run." Written for 'Blackadder Quote Competition' on the 'Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges' forum.

  • Aster

    ""Deal the cards then, James. We're not waiting all damn night while you undress my friend Lily with your eyes. You'll have plenty of time to do that when you can see her over your hand of cards," she purred." A one-shot written for "The Greenhouses Competition" on the HPFC forum.

  • Middle Child

    James feels left out, because there's Teddy, and Al, and Lily, and he's stuck in the middle. Written for "The Greenhouses Competition" in the HPFC forum.

  • Kissing Someone Else

    He views the scene from the sidelines, his heart breaking. Written for "The Greenhouses Competition" on the HPFC forum.

  • No, She's Gone

    Mary's big sister was killed. She doesn't quite understand, at first. Written for "The Greenhouses Competition" in the HPFC forum.

  • Hey, I Love You

    "When asked, Remus couldn't ever say that he knew of an exact moment when he fell in love with Sirius." Written for the "Taylor Swift Song Competition" on the HPFC forum.

  • George's Birthday

    It's George's birthday, but though Fred isn't there, Angelina is.

  • Harry and Ginny's Love Story

    'Cause we were both young when I first saw you... Written for "Taylor Swift Song Competition" on the HPFC Forum.

  • Not-So-Perfect

    Albus knew it was bad. He knew that. But it couldn't be helped. Written for fixing a heart's Issues/ Sensitive Topics Challenge on the HPFC

  • Boy Troubles

    You aren't 'turned'. You're born that way.