Daddy's Little Rabbit

  • Meine Toten Engel

    They didn't know. Who would? They weren't from that part of town, so why would they know? They didn't pay attention to the news. They just went their for an adventure. And now they were subjected to this.

  • Save Me

    He didn't want to hurt her, but it was the only way, right? Right? Or is this all a sick lie?

  • Enjoy the Silence

    She never really spoke to him, or even looked at him. He tried his hardest to make her come out and be social, though she never responded. Now, he's able to hear her voice loud and clear, and she looks up to him more often. Her voice isn't soft like it should be, and she's not smiling at him. Instead, she crying and pleading for him to save her, and her eyes are filled with pain.

  • Late Night Routes

    He did this every night, just to make sure they were okay. They were his family, after all, and he felt the need to make sure they were truly okay.

  • Memories

    When the world has come to an end, what would you do? Leave everything and everyone you love behind to defend themselves? Or would you sacrifice yourself just to try and save them? What happens when you turn your back for that split second? Why did we have to go down in anarchy?

  • Finding Home

    He woke up in an unknown world, only having a friend to guide him through the bloody nights. He got along well in this world, having the help from his friend. But, all good things have to come to an end eventually. No one can live in paradise forever.

  • A Trip With A Butterfly

    You think you know someone, but how much do you know about them? Can you really trust them with your life?

  • Necklace Made of Rope

    Are you, are you coming to the tree? Where they strung up a man, they said murdered three?

  • One Day Late

    She loved him with all her heart, and in return, he gave her his life.

  • When the Storm Comes In

    All hell will break loose when you go outside as the storm comes in.

  • Stitched Shut

    Because the ones who love you the most, are sometimes the ones who have the biggest secrets to hide.

  • April Showers

    Go to sleep and meet your demon. (One-shot)

  • Wrong Side of the Tracks

    In the wake of an unknown massacre, Vyvyan finds himself in one of the most feared gangs in Molalla, Oregon after he crosses paths with the gang's leader. Though he lives in Silverton, the boy has no problem with traveling, making sure to not allow his parents to find out. But when they get word of his doings, it's already too late, and only Vyvyan can right his wrongs.

  • No Reason

    There's no reason why I asked you. Just wanted to know. (One-shot)

  • Alone

    Impact, an elf slayer, and Snowfoot, a popori archer, are separated from their group after Impact oversleeps and Snowfoot is unable to wake him in time. The two set out on an adventure to find and rejoin their group, only to gain new friends, scars, and memories. No one ever said it was easy traveling across the land in search of someone, but it sure is fun in the eyes of Impact.

  • Sink or Swim

    Somehow, someway, you will be punished for your actions. It will happen! (Introduces a new OC, and this is also for an essay in English I had to do)

  • Sudden Movements

    You're an odd little thing, but who am I to speak? I'm no better than you. (One-shot)

  • Black and Blue

    Be more careful next time.

  • Caught Not Sleeping

    After buying a cheap camera on eBay, Mikey thinks it's too good to be true. It's in perfect condition, it came with free tapes, and it was only five dollars with free shipping! But, things take a turn for the worse as strange things start to occur with the camera in his possession. Now, he has to pull off the impossible to save both himself, and his friends.

  • Scream

    As time passes on, things don't look so well for poor Chris. As he slowly struggles through life, his past comes back to haunt him, and this time, he's not so sure he'll be able to escape the devil's grasp. *Accepting OCs*