The dreams started on the day that his One was born...
Loki whispered words into his ruined skin, each tone a thrumming pulse of power, magic soaring, carrying Thranduil away into sweet oblivion...
This kind of pigtail pulling is a bit too literal for Kíli's taste (which is a lie, btw). Fluff
'Don't judge the book by its cover' applies to both Hobbits and Dwarrows...
Having to visit Erebor is a duty Thranduil resents for many reasons. Meeting a curious young Dwarf reveals the one he has guarded most, and will set things in motion...
Ben Wade would not stand for his stay in Yuma Prison going to waste. Thousand dollars had been promised, and the Evans family would get them...
Dumbledore hat dich zu einem willigen Werkzeug geformt, benutzt, im Namen seiner Pläne zum Wohle aller." - Harry, du darfst nicht helfen. Die Folgen wären schlimmer als alles, was du dir vorstellen kannst." AU, Timetravel, dark!Harry, Slash, Angst, H/C