Charity Angel

  • untitled

    (because I suck at naming at the best of times, and this one is defying me) In which things between Jack and Ianto blow up. Set between "Living Afterwards" and "Making Amends" although, as ever, it would stand alone easily enough. [Cheating 5]

  • What Have You Done?

    In which Ianto admits something to himself. Set during 1x13 "End of Days".

  • The Value of Life

    In which Ianto comes face to face with a small part of Jack's reality. Mentions of canon character suicide.

  • Tales from Warehouse Twelve

    Mostly W13, from the point of view of H.G.'s young field partner, Wolcott, with smatterings of Jack Harkness and pre-series Torchwood scattered throughout. Links in with 'Warehouses and Back Catalogues'. Will be updated as-and-when. Don't be scared if you're not familiar with one of the fandoms - there won't be much (if any) in the way of spoilers for either.

  • Brownies

    In which Ianto tries his hand at something new. Kind of a sequel to 'Spag Bol', but really doesn't require any knowledge of that story.

  • Visual Impairment

    In which Ianto talks some sense into Jack. [Moments 4]

  • Warehouses and Back Catalogues

    In which Tosh discovers another secret organisation, and some of Jack's back catalogue. Torchwood fans, don't panic - you don't exactly need an in-depth knowledge of Warehouse 13 to get by. [Standalone]

  • Spag Bol

    In which Ianto muses over something. [Standalone]

  • Remus' Secret

    MWPP. How will his friends react to Remus' biggest secret? Begins during their Second Year, will continue through to the First Order of the Phoenix and November 1981. Rated for bad language - boys will be boys - and sexual themes in later chapters. JP/LE SB/RL (yes, that means slash)