
  • Everlasting Solitude

    In a world so dark and filled with anger with destruction, she was alone. The people around her were brimming to the very top with foolish pride and arrogance. It sickened her.

  • Fire and Ice

    She was elegant, stunning, and fiercely courageous. A true hero of the world, the saving grace for humanity's survival. Their personalities had clashed since the moment they met, each finding the bane of their existence in one another. Levi knew he would regret this decision, taking the fresh blood right out of the training academy- full summary inside.

  • Whatever It Takes

    Who were those two girls? The two found face down, half dead in a pool of their own blood, three mutilated titans scattered around them. Could it be... could it be that there was another society of human beings hiding from the monstrosities that were the titans? Just laying in wait to be eaten before they could take a step? But why would those girls be alone? -Full summary inside.

  • Someday

    She always hoped to be free, to soar like the birds. One day, someday, any day, she knew her wish would be granted. Might as well fight until that day, she reckoned.

  • Let Her Go

    He hated that brat. He couldn't help it. Every time he looked at him he saw her. Her eyes, her smile, her attitude. Everything about him was a mirror to her. To Kagome. (Title changed)

  • Peacocking

    Peacocking: The art of displaying oneself ostentatiously. Levi, unintentionally, accepts Hanji's challenge of capturing the affections of one Kagome. Levi/Kagome/Male!Hanji Crack Drabble Series

  • Home

    No matter where she was. Wherever they were. As long as he was by her side, she was home.

  • Eternal Embodiment

    Its often said that those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Surely that cannot be true, how could it be? Can life truly be eternal, can feelings from the past be carried on in the present? Surely not... It can't be possible.

  • After Story and Forever

    High school days for the Guardians are over, and they've moved on, to Seiyo University. They've grown a lot and have long since said goodbye to their Guardian Characters. With the knowledge of who they truly are, they begin their life and move towards their forever. First college, and then the aftermath that will be their forever.

  • Careless Whispers

    Her eyes, usually such a brightly shining sapphire, were glazed over in unshed tears. She looked heartbroken, and it didn't sit right with him. He wanted to ask what had happened, but instead he held his tongue as she moved to clutch tightly to him. Sobs shook her as her face lay against the dark school uniform. His gem, his love, his best friend. His Kagome. AU/Rating may change.

  • Glorious

    TheGreatGatsby/IY xOVER:: She was utter elegance, the true reason for his existence; The young and beautiful Kagome Taisho. They met by chance at her father's party, and she has clouded his mind ever since. But now- now she has waltzed back- full summary located in first chapter. Feedback is required. Rating subject to change later on. Flamers are not tolerated::: Jay G/Kagome H

  • Thy Love, I Cherish Thee

    Upon seeing her for the first time, Seth swore to himself that he was in love. The beautiful princess, the Pharaoh's only daughter and youngest child. The sapphire eyed jewel named Kagome... (Actual rating: 16 , at least because of minor adult situations.)

  • Dancing Samurai

    IY/Vocaloid/SC crossover. Nagihiko's father finally shows up. Who knew that they looked so much alike? Hey, he had to get his looks from someone... Not to mention his dancing skills... Rating: All ages. Genre: Family/cute/humor/song-ficlet. (Kinda) Pairing: Kagome/Gakupo(Vocaloid) ; Nagihiko/Rima.

  • Frosted Adoration

    She appeared on their radar as something they should be cautious of. Such raw power could cause great amounts of destruction, or be used for the better. Its a great shame that she didn't favor them. XX- Rating subject to change -XX

  • Walking Forward

    Getting so close to death, she can nearly taste it, Kagome transfers to Seiyo for her Sixth Year. Changes in her health causes many concerns for those who she meets, and soon she finds that she can't keep hiding what's wrong from the Guardians. Unsure of what to do, and scared of what her future holds, she can't keep running. (IY/SC/YYH crossover) ::Rating subject to change.::