
  • Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair

    Sauron has returned. The Fellowship had failed. With all the fellowship dead, with Gandalf's whereabouts unknown, Frodo may very well be the only one left. But Sauron has plans for the Ring Bearer which may very well destroy all hope Middle Earth has left. Written for ElementalFoxGoddess Sauron/Frodo, TORTURE, ABUSE, imprisonment, eventual Stockholm syndrome, RAPE/non-con, etc.

  • Beauty from Pain

    Severus is watching the Potter's funeral. Remus finds him. They talk. Inspired by "Beauty from Pain" by Superchick. T for language.

  • Amaranthine

    Severus Snape has a secret wish...and a secret admirer. HBP-verse, AU

  • Dilemma

    Snap decisions lead to mistakes. Mistakes lead to...what? M for language and a little other stuff. Snarry, OOC, OOTP-verse

  • Within Tempation: Angels and A Demon's Fate

    Harry Potter fan-fictions of different genres and pairings surrounding the music of Within Temptation—tribute to the books and the band. Story 1 and 2 inside. Albus can't see how evil Gell is until he attacks his family. M for violence and rape.

  • Within Temptation: All I Need

    Third story in the Within Tempation/Harry Potter tribute. Lily is incredulous of Severus' feelings for her. Narcissa's presence doesn't help.

  • Within Temptation: Aquarius

    Fourth story in the Within Temptation/Harry Potter tribute. Trelawney introduces a new topic of divination to class. However, it leaves Harry in a much fouler mood than usual.

  • Within Temptation: Bittersweet

    Story 5 in the Within Temptation/Harry Potter Tribute. It's Christmas, Harry and Hermione have already escaped Godric's Hollow and they miss Ron.

  • Within Temptation: Caged

    Story 6 in the Within Tempation/Harry Potter Tribute. Bellatrix is heartbroken. The one who picks her up when she's down is...

  • Within Temptation: Candles

    YAY! 100 FIC! Story 7 of the Within Temptation/Harry Potter tribute. A 100-word shot in Merope Gaunt's point of veiw about her son and who he has become.

  • Within Temptation: Dangerous Mind

    Story 8 of the Within Temptation/Harry Potter Tribute. Myrtle meets Tom Riddle and gets a peek into his true nature.

  • Within Temptation: Deceiver of Fools

    Story 10. Voldemort thinks he's so clever...

  • Within Temptation: Dark Wings

    Story 9 of the Withint Temptation/Harry Potter tribute. Harry stands before a wall for the fallen dead in the War. One name stands out.

  • Within Temptation: Final Destination

    Storry 12. Harry's a Who fan. He muses on the Doctor's wisdom at the end of the final battle.

  • Within Temptation: Faster

    Story 11. Lily's not going to be slowed down by anything.

  • Back Again 2: Nârith

    Twenty-seven years ago, Frodo and Bilbo fled the Shire and took up residence in Erebor. There, Bilbo became the King's Consort and Frodo was given a prince's status and a warrior's education to fulfill his destiny. It is time. Bagginshield-established, Frodolas

  • Ignorance

    "Damn you, Lupin!" Prisoner of Azkaban verse. Remus Lupin is a naive pain in the ass. Snupin enemyship/friendship/romance (depending on your cup of tea). T for choice language

  • Together Again

    It's the beginning of a new school year. And the new Defense teacher is...*fuller, better summary inside* Snupin. Inspired by "Together Again" by Evanescence.

  • The Wolf

    Good and evil are like two wolves inside a man. Who you are solely depends on which wolf you choose to feed. Marauders' era Snupin. Warnings: rated M for future chapters. Some OOC and definitely AU in its own way…Complete

  • Christmas Eve With You

    Harry Potter Christmas Challenge fic: write a fic based on the first Christmas song on your Pandora, iPod, radio etc. Severus and Remus have a very awkward moment the Christmas before graduation. *I made this challenge up. I don't know where to find challenges, but you're welcome to use accept the challenge if you like.*