
  • Opposites Attract

    Draco realizes that while opposites may attract, they don't last. One-Shot.

  • Life As I Knew It

    When Pansy receives a devastating diagnosis, her life is forever changed. One-Shot.

  • Miracolo

    Remus doesn't believe in miracles, but an unexpected pregnancy could change that. Mpreg. One-Shot.

  • Barcelona

    Pansy, Draco, Blaise, and Daphne take a vacation to Barcelona, where there is romance in the air and... vomit in the toliet? One-Shot.

  • 7 Deadly Sins

    Nobody's perfect; We all have our sin of choice. These are the sins of James, Neville, Charlie, Blaise, Parvati, Marcus, and Remus. Drabbles.

  • 45 Candles

    Arthur celebrates his 45th birthday surrounded by the people he loves. One-Shot.

  • Peace and Quiet

    Ron and Draco's sexual exploits are ruining Harry's peace and quiet. One-Shot.

  • Dirty Little Secret

    Pansy's dirty little secret is her problem and her solution. Drabble.

  • Second Choice

    Draco always was Ron's second choice. This is their break-up. One-Shot.

  • Happy Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve for Remus and Sirius was perfect the year after they graduated from Hogwarts. One-Shot.

  • Kiss and Don't Tell

    Because not everytime is full of candles and rose petals. One-Shot.

  • Sweet Sixteen

    Voldemort's finally getting the Sweet Sixteen party that he always wanted. Purely a crack!fic.

  • Mistletoe

    Oliver wants to spend every Christmas with Percy. Slash. Just a short Christmas drabble.

  • First Time

    Ever wonder what Ron did during the time that he and Harry weren't speaking to each other in their 4th year? Ron/Draco. One-shot.

  • It's Not You, It's Me

    Lily loves James, but she can't force herself to find him or anyone else attractive. Drabble.

  • Young Again

    In which Ron's bored and Sirius is lonely. Very graphic Ron/Sirius. Mostly PWP. Takes place during the summer before Ron's 5th year. One-Shot.

  • To Love a Werewolf

    Various drabbles involving Remus/Sirius and Remus/James.

  • Third Time's a Charm

    Ron's had terrible luck with relationships, but when he uses Harry as a an excuse not to date, some hidden feelings begin to surface. Harry/Ron. One-Shot.

  • The Tables Turned

    After constant torment from Sirius, Regulus steals the one thing that his older brother wants. Remus/Regulus. One-Shot.

  • Mine

    With Lucius, Severus, James, and Sirius all biding for Remus' affection, who will he choose? One-Shot.