

  • Preservation of Life

    Niijima and Kay Shirihama share a bond deeper than blood. Forged under a hellish tragedy that almost destroyed them- they have been each other's strength for many years. Now suddenly the past has returned to haunt them both and Niijima has decided that for once he will stand his ground and refuse to run away knowing what it would cost Kay-chan. Rated M for later chaps. Fem Kenichi.

  • Pure Chance

    It was pure chance that dropped her into their world. That ripped her from everything she had known and made her their responsibility. And with that knowledge could a certain Martian help heal her wounded heart. J'onn/OC rated M for later chapters R&R please

  • Marriage of Convenience

    it was supposed to be just a marriage of convenience. Something he did for the sake of their disciple- to gain military and political ties to help them protect kenichi and his friends from Yami's poisonous grasp. so when did it become something more than it already was? Akisame/OC Please R&R!

  • Hero's

    Hero's come in all shapes and sizes. They can be someone you know or someone who is a total stranger to you. Naru has been a hero from the moment of her birth. Her grandfather always told her so. Now let's see if she can meet the expectations placed on her shoulders by her peers. Fem Naru/ eventual someone. just be patient and there's a small add on to chap 5

  • New Beginnings

    Everyone was gone with the exception of Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara and most importantly of all...his mother. Without them there Kurama is having trouble coping though he hides it well. Which is why a fresh start is needed and he decides to move to America. Set eighty or so years after the Canon series. Kurama/OC please R&R

  • Entwining Fates

    The politics of the demon world is difficult to navigate. Especially when you're former best friend decides to hatch a plot that could either land you in heaven or hell. Literally forcing you to mate against your will. And poor Skye, Kurama just hopes that his new mate can survive long enough for them both to live happily ever after. Kurama/OC Rated M. R&R please.

  • Honor and Responsibility

    When the masters of ryozanpaku took on kenichi, they assumed responsibility of his friends and family as well. However what happens when one of them messes up and almost gets one of kenichi's family killed? What lengths will said master go to, to keep that person safe from harm again? An akisame/Oc fic.

  • The Devil's Bargian

    'Naru..." He wheezed as he slowly choked on the blood filling his lungs. Surrounded by the shinobi he had both helped raise and lead for many years. Sarutobi said, 'I wish to make one last bargain with you.' And bargain he did. For his dream- his loved ones, she would become a sacrifice once more. And god the center of her chest hurt. M rated.

  • High Tides

    Ace wasn't looking for a relationship. Or a girlfriend. Or a wife. So how was it that he wound up with one all due to an accident? Ace/OC Rated M for later chapters. R&R and let me know how I do on this.

  • Sudden Storms

    It was a price Ed had to pay for the sin he and his brother committed. However like every price- this one may be much too steep for him to handle. Alphonse is aware of this even if Ed isn't. Which is why he stays so close to his once brother. Rated M for a reason. Al/Fem Ed in later chapters. Please R&R!

  • Changing Bounderies

    I have no real summary for this story except that it's supposed to be another harem story. it's kind of dark. so check it out or don't. rated M for a reason.

  • Specter's of the Past

    Oliver Davis, a.k.a. Kazuya Shibuya came to japan for the sole purpose of finding his dead twin brother Gene, he never imagined he'd dream of and form attachments to his late brother's wife... Naru/OC Please R&R.

  • Unnatural

    it was just an accident. A freak occurrence that never should have happened. And yet it did. And she suddenly found herself in a foreign world where imaginary hero's became living breathing beings. And she became something a little more than human herself- I want to do a pairing with two turtles and the oc so suggestions would be nice. human/vampire hybrid/TMNT M rated.

  • Breaking Point

    this is my first GH story so please be kind. Mai isn't the person everyone thinks she is. in fact her real name is Kay Moriyama and she's the long lost heiress of the Moriyama company's long dead chairman and his wife. And on this latest case Naru and the SPR team will learn that some things are best left buried. Rated M. Pairing is Lin/OC'ish Mai.

  • Bloodlines Revisited

    It's been several hundred years since the life and death of the Z fighters. And now what is left of the sayian bloodline's have been forced to go into hiding and destroy all traces of their true heritage just to survive. But the winds of change are blowing, and it could spell extinction unless the eternal dragon intervenes. Piccolo/OC story. rated M for later chapters. R&R!

  • Blossoms on the Wind

    Soul transfer jutsu bloodline limit. Description inside. OC-ish Sakura/Kakashi rated M. My first Oc-ish Sakura/Kakashi story. so please be nice and R&R and tell me what you think.

  • Reckless Abandon

    Ichigo is an adult living a life that is seemingly at the beck and call of others. Beginning to become restless he searches for something- no, scratch that- he searches for someone. Ichigo/OC Rated M please R&R