
  • A Deadly Bond

    With the war finally over, the Golden Trio returns to Hogwarts to complete their seventh year and take their NEWTs. Drama however, soon ensues. Hermione finds herself in a relationship with none other than Severus Snape, which neither of them could really explain. Each time they take a step forward, something happens to ensure they end up taking two steps back...

  • The Price of a Smile

    Pain is pain, is what everyone always thinks, and it's shocking to find out that there are types of pain out there that hurt far more than a punch to the gut. Hermione receives news that changes her world, leaving her feeling lost, alone and vulnerable. She still has friends who care for her, but she needs something more. Comfort however, soon arrives in the unlikeliest of forms.

  • The Monk Who Lived

    It's Mai's birthday and the team decides to celebrate. She wants to have a movie marathon and because Mai is Mai, the sweet, smiling girl who always cares for them, they comply. A drunken monk however, always performs his own version of the movie at the end. Please put your wands (or sticks for all you Muggles out there) up for the Monk Who Lived.

  • The Storm

    Naru and Mai are left alone at SPR while a storm kicks up outside. Mai's afraid and goes to the only person around for comfort...but is Naru as calm as he seems to be? Or is he hiding his true feelings for the storm?

  • A Kiss to Make Your Day

    Mai comes to work after having a really horrible day. Naru despises seeing her upset. What does he do to make her content?

  • Perks of Being a Narcissist

    Naru discovers Mai struggling to complete her math homework and decides to lend a hand.

  • The Rewards of Reading

    When Naru leaves his office, he's greeted by one of the strangest sights in the world: MAI is READING a BOOK. Socking, right? Naru certainly seems to think so. Just what will he do to express his pleasure at Mai attempting to expand her mind with a book?

  • Reading Harry Potter In The Past

    James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus come upon the Harry Potter books in their seventh year and read about what happens in the future...