Darth Krande

  • Nurmengard, last refuge

    On 14th October 1981, Lily Potter née Evans has an idea that would ensure their safety while also allowing James and the Longbottoms to go on missions again. The fic follows their next few weeks, from settling in Nurmengard to a full-on siege of the castle on Halloween. Warnings: the characters aren't safe from whatever happens in the original novels, including Unforgivable curses

  • Defence Professor Wohl - Extras, outtakes, oneshots

    Scenes that, for one reason or another, wouldn't fit into the fanfic about Professor Wohl but were too precious for us to leave behind. About the main story: After Lockhart's failure in his first lesson, the headmaster had to get a new DADA teacher once again. The only candidate seems perfect for the job, except, he's Gellert Grindelwald.

  • GREAT prank

    Albus Dumbledore got drunk on Veritaserum, and now the Weasley twins are on the mission to set things right - and their idea of 'right' doesn't match with that of the average witch or wizard.

  • Not (that much) beyond help

    Traveling back in time to raise a dreaded enemy in hopes of a second chance - not quite unprecedented. Him possibly raising THAT wizard, of all people? Not even considered. Yet. One-shot with surprise characters.

  • One step forward

    To fight a war, one needs money. To repair a planet after the war ended, one needs even more money. And, to his shock, Optimus finds out he has only one mech to turn to... An interlude between chapters 6 and 7 of Phases, but also makes sense without it if you just keep in mind this is AU.

  • Shattered to the last

    The coda of my Shattered series, my last fic about Megatron of the Shattered Glass. Oddly enough, it folllows the 1980s Marvel comics.

  • Van választásod!

    Peter Pettigrew eltöpreng a könyv és a film közti különbözőségeken. Ha a könyv felől nézzük, akkor AU. Ha a film felől...?

  • Az azkabani szimat

    Miután Hagrid ártatlansága igazolódott, Sirius hallja, amint a távozó vadőr minden rossznak elmondja a dementorokat. Aztán úgy dönt, hogy bebizonyítja az ellenkezőjét, és csak azért is megpróbál összebarátkozni velük. ...Arra nem számított, hogy néhány hónap múlva már a Szükség Szobájában fognak, egy félig józan vérfarkassal kiegészülve, patkányra vadászni.

  • Finders, keepers

    A few days after running away from the Black family, Sirius finds a four-year-old Parselmouth. A small child who will do everything not to go back to the orphanage from where he had been time-displaced.

  • Peace

    Harry buries Voldemort after the Battle of Hogwarts.

  • Nurmengard, menedék

    1981-ben két, célponttá vált varázslócsalád egy jól védett épületbe költözött – Ausztriában. De ők is sejtették, hogy az elzártság nem jelent biztonságot…

  • Couldn't end this way

    An awkward alternative ending of CoG. Spoilers, obviously.

  • Magic finds a way

    Albus must have thought his history with a certain great wizard was over and long forgotten. But then, he had to find a place where he could hide the Philosopher's Stone... It's never too late to restore a friendship, right? And one's never too old to break the Statute of Secrecy...

  • Nesztek!

    Miközben Voldemort a zárócsatára készülődik, úgy tűnik, mégis Grindelwald nevet majd utoljára. Már ha ez ő...

  • Soul Debt

    Moments after Voldemort's resurrection, Harry discovers he has his archnemesis in his debt - and he can't ask for advice from anyone. So how do you keep a Dark Lord from continuing where he left? At least Nagini is on his side.

  • Cutting HP short

    List of events that could have happened at the start of each book / movie, and then said book / movie would have ended much quicker. Many characters got their opportunities to shine, but not all of them survive everything.

  • Tweaked time child

    After Sirius almost got Snape killed, Lily seeks a way to teach him responsibility. Little did she know said lesson will involve a traumatized boy who can talk to snakes.

  • How impossible?

    The first days of Amelia Bones as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement don't go as she had planned. She certainly didn't expect her best auror to hex a Muggle family, for example, much less did she expect to agree with him. And Albus Dumbledore gets a chance to explain the benefits of placing Harry with the Dursleys. (Not the chance he would have liked. )

  • Bring back Black!

    Sometime after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Dementors were deemed untrustworthy. Before leaving, however, they pay a visit to the Department of Mysteries. Bringing back Black the canon compliant way!

  • In and Out of Azkaban

    Sequel of Eyes and Nose / Snapshots. Now that Sirius is free and recovering, he's asked to substitute Moony as a teacher during full moons. Meanwhile, he has to come to terms with the DMLE and apparently, being released doesn't mean he won't get even deeper into dementor business.