

  • Shelter From The Storm

    When Morwen and Niënor flee Dor-lómin and end up in Nargothrond, a chain of events are set in motion that will change – and perhaps save – many lives. Finduilas, on the other hand, isn't sure that this Niënor girl is entertaining enough company to make up for how irritating she can be. (AU, Finduilas/Niënor)

  • Wandering Spirit (The Rewriting Legends Remix)

    Finduilas, after death. (Finduilas/Niënor)

  • The Wind At Your Back

    Snapshots of Galadriel and Finrod, centered around a letter. (Remix)

  • Silence (Is What's Left To Us)

    Míriel's return from the Halls of Vairë does not go as smoothly as she might have hoped. (Sequel to 'like thread through a needle'.)

  • Troubled Waters

    Findis' life, from childhood to a throne.

  • hated you (least)

    There are things Nebula will admit to loving about Gamora. Loving her is not one of them.

  • Undercover

    Natasha/Sharon drabbles because lady spies who date are a wonderful thing.

  • 24 Hour Breakfast

    "What, tired of the party already?" America asked, rolling down her window. (Amerikate.)

  • In the Valley of Tumladen

    Elenwë has a little surprise for Aredhel. (AU in which Turgon died on the Helcaraxë and Elenwë (eventually) builds Gondolin herself.)

  • There Was Light

    Melian, Galadriel, and a bit of magic.

  • Anniversaries

    Elrond and Elros share a birthday, until they do not.

  • Beauty

    Nerdanel and a life of artistry.

  • Flight

    Elwing and a pair of wings. (Alternative readings of history, more or less.)

  • Summertime

    Findis, Elemmírë, and a hot summer day.

  • No Need To Say Goodbye

    A traveler from the north comes to Edoras and spends some time with Eowyn.

  • Somewhere Without Walls

    After leaving Gondolin, Aredhel spends a night just outside Doriath.

  • Drowning

    In her dreams, Erendis drowns.

  • Smile

    Darcy has some questionable methods of cheering Jane up. Some might involve throwing snow at her. Which is completely legit, right?

  • like thread through a needle

    Míriel weaves, and watches over the ones she loves from the halls of Vairë. (Vaguely a sequel to 'For My Only Love'; pre-femslash.)

  • Mistletoe

    Kirk throws a holiday party, Uhura is unamused, and Carol has her own plans.