
  • Forget the Now and Become the Then

    We all have our dark spots, times in our lives we have buried with time and memory. But what happens when all those times and memories are erased? What happens when a Predator is set loose with no morals, with nothing to prevent him from sedating his bloodlust? Death, Blood, Gore, and more. Enter at your own risk.

  • Death Is Always Around

    Death comes in many forms. Mandy has only ever known one of them. Perhaps its time she knows the rest of her husband, and her son for that matter, and find out that there is more to Death than what one might first see? Grim Senior and Grim Junior both as lead characters. GrimXMandy. JuniorXMinnie.

  • Zero of Britannia

    Zero is a symbol. But a symbol can be for anything. In one universe, he is a symbol of freedom, the miracle man that stood against the oppression of Britannia. In another, he is Britannia itself. Under different circumstances, Lelouch becomes one of the greatest forces for the empire. Now the world must face the wrath of the Zero of Britannia. Possible Harem. Some Xover Characters

  • Nunnally of the Reboot: Angel of Zero

    God repays his debts, but that doesn't mean he can't have fun with it! Instead of sending Lelouch back to the beginning, he sends Nunnally back even further, with a few gifts. Ladies and Gentlemen, Numbers and Britannians of all ages, I give you Nunnally Vi Britannia, the Angel of Zero! May Lord Zero have mercy on your souls, for she won't! Pairings undecided, possibly Harem.

  • The Game

    Dedicated to and thought up by Kenju. In another world, the Teen Titans is just a show and the titans themselves are actors in it. However, that doesn't mean their lives aren't complicated. Because in this world, The Game is not a game, it is a lifestyle that some must live under. And The Game rules and ruins the lives of many. AU world with prejudice towards aliens. Beastboy/Harem

  • Beastboy's Little Surprise

    Raven discovers something very surprising about Beastboy, something no one would suspect. Why he's kept it a secret is even more surprising.

  • Snake-Son of Corruption

    Finding the fallen heroes and their twin children first, Orochimaru takes the boy for his experiments. After thirteen years, the boy became greater than Orochimaru had hoped, and even more corrupt than him. Now the world has to deal with the results, starting with Konoha. Experimenting-Scientist Naruto. Female Menma as Twin. Maybe harem, but plenty of fanservice if not. No Yaoi.

  • Minnie's Pet Demon-Reaper

    After the Halloween incident, Junior felt his mind becoming more and more beastly at times. With that in mind, he took precautions in case he went feral. This results in Minnie waking up to an...interesting scene, to say the least. Feral-Pet Junior, Owner-Minnie.

  • Children of the End

    Trigon had his turn, now it's time for another group to take their shot at ending the world of men. However, there is one question on everyone's' minds. Why and how do they know Beastboy?