Exceeds Expectations

  • i made a tidal wave (just to get close to you)

    He's the moon, the ever-present crescent that stops the darkness taking over, and you are but the tide. /Regulus can't help but follow him further and further into the darkness.

  • A Light in the Dark

    "Knowing there's someone to take care of you makes it a lot easier to fight," she says, and her fingers brush against your cheek. "There. All better." And she is always so, so gentle. /NevilleHannah during DH. He is always so broken, and she is always trying to fix him. First Place in Montley's Title Swap II Competition!

  • All The Time In The World

    "He's given you forever, Reg," Barty says, and you have no idea what he means until the world begins to shimmer, shimmer, fade. /In which the Dark Lord thinks he can use Regulus, Barty doesn't understand, and Regulus knows how it all ends. RegulusBarty, timetravel AU.

  • The Beginning and The End

    "Lilies are my favourite," she says, and Draco squeezes her hand. She doesn't know that they are already dead, and he doesn't have the heart to tell her. /AU, disability!fic, blind!Ginny. For Ali.

  • love me (without parentheses)

    this juliet is a warrior and this romeo is a coward, and maybe they have always been like this. /ginnydraco, freeverse-ish.

  • When My World Shatters

    "Anyone would think you cared, little Pettigrew," Bellatrix purrs. "Tell me... did they really mean so much to you?" /Peter shatters again and again and again.

  • our reflection is not something we can stand to look at

    Maybe there is a story here. Maybe there isn't. But there is definitely a mirror and there is definitely a tragedy and there are definitely two lost little boys. /For Amber.

  • soft as nostalgia

    "I'm sorry," Sirius says quietly, but he does not pull away and he does not kiss Remus again. He simply holds him, in the silence, and hopes that is enough. /Remus, Sirius, and seven moments that make them. For Sam.

  • When The Morning Comes

    Think of all this, and never let go of her hand, not once. /RonHermione. The morning after the battle is not an easy one.

  • Dear Sirius

    I still think of you. /For Laura

  • is gravity the same for you?

    i'm sorry you fell. sorry i didn't catch you. /remus and sirius and apologies that always went unsaid. freeverse.

  • In This Life

    I would choose this life, every time. Forgive me, Padfoot. But I would. / Six lives that could've been, and the one that was.

  • Home Is You

    "I'm not going anywhere, Remus." She winds her arms up around his neck, rising up onto her tiptoes. "I know," he says, with a look of pure wonder on his face. "And I still can't wrap my head around it." / RemusTonks pre-baby fluff.

  • Time Goes On

    "You know," comes a voice from behind her, "it's customary for the bride to have broken up with her previous partners before marrying somebody else." Hannah's heart stops. She hasn't heard that voice in almost three years. /Past!Havender

  • Through His Eyes

    I used to thank you often, wherever you are. Now I thank him, wherever he is, for filling my hollow heart fit to bursting. /Remus follows those grey eyes, no matter who they are attached to. Soulmate!AU. Remus/Sirius, Remus/Regulus.

  • Treading Water

    You told me often that I would regret you and meant it.

  • In Time

    He'd heard people say time was like a river, but he hadn't realised it was true. Not until he's sat in it, waist deep, wet with all the memories and could-have-beens. / Sirius falls through the veil and lives and relives.

  • I Think I'd Think

    They had nothing in common. Oliver thought about that a lot.

  • Worth the Honey

    I'm sorry. It's hard to remember. /Barty thinks back.

  • Impossibilities

    When it comes to love, nothing is impossible. /Latest chapter: LavenderParvati