Forever Siriusly Sirius

  • Beautiful Supernova

    He is your light at the end of the tunnel. His eyes are your guiding light, shining silver in the darkness that is your imminent death. Without him there, you couldn't stop the panic that threatened to drown you, or the fear that wanted to burn you from the inside out. He is a supernova, your supernova. :: For Paula

  • How The Mighty Fall

    A series of drabbles and short one shots centred around Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon. Lily and the other Marauders make appearances. Angst, fluff, romance, friendship, drama...the lot. Enjoy :)

  • Rose Coloured Glasses

    Bane was not always bitter, he did not always hate and resent humans with every fibre of his being. Once upon a time, he was young, a little naive, a little idealistic. He was the Prince of the herd, son of the great leader. Once upon a time, Bane was a dreamer. He was little more than a child when he realised the truth.

  • Hide and Seek

    James's loses Harry under the invisibility cloak, and engages in a race against time to find him before Lily discovers he is missing.

  • I hear you calling in the dead of night

    Grey. Everything was a dark, colourless, grey. Like ashes, like something dead. The city rose up around you, the tall, ashen buildings castings shadows to block out the light. You were sinking deeper into the darkness, surrounded by people who inflicted pain on you in the name of family, in the name of Black. You raised your head. You may have been weak, but you weren't broken.

  • dreams only last for a night

    This had been her dream since she was seven, and nothing was going to get in the way of it. Lily just had to hope that one day, maybe one day, Petunia wouldn't hate her for it. All she had to do was dream it. Little did Lily know, that dreams only last for a night.

  • Matters Of The Heart Take Time

    Most women were ecstatic on their wedding day. Most women got a wedding better than any fantasy they dreamed up when they were just little girls. Most women couldn't wait to walk down the aisle and into the arms of the man who would be their forever. But Dorea Eleanor Black felt none of that. In which Dorea Black gets an arranged marriage.

  • What I Like About You

    Fluffy letters sent between James and Lily in their seventh year. Somewhat inspired by 'What I Like About You' by the Romantics.

  • violin strings were made to snap

    You are the strings, and he is the bow. Together, you make the violin.

  • The Fire Inside

    She hurled herself forward and kissed him again with such force that he had to take a step back. The fire made of jealousy died, replaced with complete and utter joy. He smiled into the kiss, enjoying the rush and the feeling of finally being able to hold her in his arms and kiss her. For Quidditch League, Round One. Also dedicated to Ash for GGE

  • Poison

    Tears drip drip drip down your face. You can't ignore the feeling any longer. You have to act. It is your final stand, you prepare to end your own life. Drinking the poison, your throat burning, you screaming as the hands of death claim you for their own, dragging you down, down, down. All things have to come to an end, and this is yours.

  • Kaleidoscope

    James Sirius Potter is dared to kiss a certain Ara Wood in a traditional game of truth or dare,

  • It's where my demons hide

    Charlie was used to Draco battling his demons on his own, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Post war Chaco angst For Laura. Inspired by the song Demons by Imagine Dragons.

  • Tied Together With A Smile

    You look at yourself in the mirror. At first there was a man. Now there is a monster. Angsty remus centric fic, about his lycanthropy, and how he copes. Mentions of the Marauders, Tonks, Teddy. Bittersweet ending. For Queen!Sylvia! Got an honourable mention in the NEW Ultimate Taylor Swift Competition on HPFC.

  • Of Mistletoe and Flying Pigs

    "Lily, you've got one chance to make James's dream come true. Don't mess it up." It's the christmas season and both Lily and James recieve the best gift of their lives on New Years eve, 1977. Humour, friendship, fluff, romance. Watch how our beloved James&Lily became Jily. Won best friendship in the L&L awards! Placed 3rd in the fanfave December awards :)

  • Forever Mine

    Today I, Teddy Remus Lupin, consider myself the happiest man on the face of this earth, Teddy thought happily, his hair turning a bright shade of pink as he thought about what was to come. Well, that is, if she says yes. Written for Pink Mockinjay in Hufflepuff and Acciohope15's birthday and a Chrissy gift for rockin around the christmas tree. :)

  • Sometimes the Heart Sees What is Invisible to the Eye

    Rose is a fortune teller. What happens when she tries to predict the future of none of than Scorpius Malfoy?

  • Lily Marie

    HPFC: Maroon 5 competition (Placed 2nd!) and the Canon Couple's challenge. James's and Lily, Lily and James. How on earth did they get together? All the pain, the hurt and in the end the happiness that came from loving Lily Marie Evans. Almost like a letter from James to Lily. Based of "Must Get Out" by Maroon 5.

  • Of Chess, Smirking, and seductive winking

    Ravenclaw!Astoria and Slytherin!Draco. Suggestive, witty banter and hilarious egos. "Hmm. I have a better idea. Why don't we play another game?" He smirked, leaning closer. "Like what?" she whispered huskily. "Like this." He captured her lips with his and let his actions speak louder than words. He pulled away. "I think I won that round." "You wish Malfoy

  • Missing Moments

    A collection of moments in James an Lily's 7th year and beyond from when they got together to when they died. Fluff, angst, romace, , cuteness. It's all there. Written for the Fanfic Gift Exchange Round one - THEFIRSTSERVENT this is for you! Hope you enjoy. Also written for the One Shot Challenge HPFC.