
  • Every Couple Has It's Problems

    Rose knows the Doctor kissed Reinette and she is not happy about it but then realizes she's not perfect either. Takes place after "The Age Of Steele"

  • Hope You're Feeling Better!

    The Doctor and Rose are taking Martha home but the Doctor is sick in bed so he has to leave them alone but they'll get along fine...right? When jealousy get the best of them the chaos begins and the companions declare war. But when the Doctor's condition gets worse can these two stop fighting and work together to save him before it's too late? Hope you like it!

  • Happy, Yet?

    Martha is so over the Doctor, right? Just a short story takes place during "The Sontaran Stratagem" Hope you like it!

  • The Doctor's Final Judgment

    What was The Doctor's breaking point when he destroyed Galifrey? What if it was someone close to him that played a factor in the destruction of his own planet? How did this person help him decide to cause such a tragedy? What if this person never even knew it?

  • Hush

    The Doctor & Donna reveal how much they need each other without hardly saying a word. Takes place after "Midnight" Hope you like it! (Rated "T" because better safe than sorry!)

  • A Letter For Rose Tyler

    A young Rose Tyler receives an unmarked letter from someone she doesn't know, yet. I don't own Doctor Who because BBC wants to keep it but I hope you like this short story! (cover art by me)

  • Changes

    The ninth has just regenerated into the tenth but it's not having the positive reaction from Rose he was hoping for. Alt. version of the Children in Need special. Hope you like it!

  • I'm Only Human

    What if John Smith fell in love with Martha and what if she had to help him make the difficult decision to open the fob watch? Takes place at the end of "Family of Blood". (Warning: This will be sad, sorry!) Not my best summary but I hope you like the story!

  • Small Talk

    Martha and the Doctor get to know each other on their way to see Shakespeare. Based on the beginning of the Shakespeare Code, takes place in the TARDIS. Sorry the summary's not very good but I hope you like this story!

  • The Closet

    The Doctor is hiding in Rose's closet. That's the best summary I could honestly think of but I hope you like the story!

  • Two Minutes

    A sad poem about what Rose and the Doctor were thinking after their two minutes were over. Takes place just after the goodbye scene on "Doomsday". Not the best summary but I hope you like the poem!

  • Clara, The Doctor And The Birthday Party

    Sweet, shy, awkward Clara adores the Doctor and has been invited his birthday party. Should be a great night, right? (10th Doctor/ Clara pairing) Hope you like the story!

  • Ivy

    The Doctor has just lost Rose and Donna's declined his offer to go with him. Feeling alone and sad he begins to have doubts and is ready to give up but when he receives an unexpected tiny visitor the Doctor's reminded of why he travels. I hope you like it! (cover art by me)

  • Blankets And Apologies

    Martha is still mad at the Doctor for how he treated her when he was human so she's shocked to find him standing in her room one night. He's claims he's still shaken up but does he have a different reason? Takes place after "Family of Blood" Hope you like it! (Slight Rewrite)

  • Jack's New Girl

    Jack has a great new girlfriend so why is the Doctor having a fit? You've got to read it to find out. I don't own Doctor Who but I hope you like the story!

  • The Doctor's Eyes

    A poem about the Doctor's eyes. Not a very good summary but I hope you like the poem!

  • Rose's Promise

    A sad short story when Rose promised the Doctor she was never going to leave him three different times but each time contains a different meaning. Takes place during New Earth and Doomsday. I hope you like it! (cover by me)

  • Ask The Man

    A poem basically describing what it's like to be the Doctor. I hope you like it! Sorry the summary's not very good. (This will work with any Doctor you want.)

  • How To Apologize To A Time Lord

    The Doctor is upset at Rose for making fun of him so she comes up with a creative way to say she's sorry. Takes place right after "School Reunion." I hope you like it!

  • So Many Doctors, So Many Companions, So Little Time

    What would happen if their were two Doctors, two companions inside one TARDIS. Loosely based on "Day Of The Doctor." BBC owns Doctor Who, I don't (darn!) but I hope you like the story!