

  • But what about Raina?

    The crystals transformed both Skye and Raina, giving Skye certain powers over the earth. Raina's transformation, however, is something else.

  • What happened after

    What happened after the episode 2x10 ended to the agents. Note: this story contains spoilers.

  • Out of the Box

    Grant Ward has gotten out of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, everything. Raina has been pushed out of everything. It's natural that the two of them should meet. S2 spoilers.

  • The sentence of Apollo

    Post-series, contains spoilers for it and the PJGG. Apollo is being blamed for Octavian's fiasco - but can his friends get him off the hook? Cross-over with the Sumerian/Canaanite myths.

  • And now, a word

    Post-series. Chaos, the beginniner of all, comes over to give a piece of his mind - about constellations and the future of heroes. But yes, mainly about constellations. And it's less of a word and more of a rant. Minor mention of Kane Chronicles too.

  • Family Reunion

    One day, Annabeth Chase comes home and her cousin Cordy is waiting for her. Note: spoiler alert.

  • First Contact

    Stargate tries to establish contact with Cross Photonics. It doesn't go well.

  • Stranger in a Strange Land

    Instead of Portland, Oregon, Trubel ends up in Vancouver, B.C. Can she make it her new home, or will she be unable to outrun her past?

  • A solution of variables

    Sequel to Alternate Choices - Faith and her crew have financial problems and hatch a scheme to solve it.

  • Alternate Choices

    BtVS episode Choices - how it might've went in an alternate universe...

  • Learning to make choices

    Post S1 ending. Slight AU and OOC. Ward has to learn how to make choices and live with the consequences. And the rest of the team has to learn that similarities between Koenigs may be literally skin deep.

  • Prehistoric Park: Permian

    Nigel is off to another adventure in the past, while in the present, Bob and Suzanne have to deal with the Arthropleura, the Deinosuchus and others.

  • Prehistoric Park: Australia

    In his latest adventure, Nigel and his team go to post Ice Age Australia to rescue some of the extinct mega-fauna of that island continent, but will they be able to deal with a sudden brush fire?

  • The Decepticon and the Demon

    One day Starscream was looking for trouble and he found it. A crossover with Transformers Prime-verse.

  • The Hunting Party

    Way before Lord Voldemort became really Lord Voldemort, and his Death Eaters became really Death Eaters, Rudolphus Lestrange took them on a hunting party. Sadly, it didn't workout as he planned it...

  • Snape got it

    Snape finally gets the job of the DADA professor and then things start to get really weird.