
  • Freaks Like Us

    She had been even more careful to avoid Harry and her brothers lately, too mortified by the fact that she was defective, like one of those Muggle products Dad had to inspect for his work. Unlike her, Harry and Ron were perfect. They were wizards, she was a Squib. Squib!Ginny AU.

  • Deadly Sins

    He can't help it. She is his banquet, and he is ravenous. And yet... Ginny Weasley must die tonight.

  • Vanilla and White Peony

    The smell of vanilla and white peony, that's what he remembers of his mum. Drabble written in honour of Lily Evans' birthday.

  • Euphoria

    Drabble collection. Written for the Writer's Month 2020 event on Tumblr. H/G canon and some AU.

  • Midnight Dreamers

    Their relationship ‒ if you could call it that ‒ was doomed from the very beginning, but she was too stubborn, or maybe too much of a coward, to admit it. H/G angst. Harry was raised by Sirius. Forced Marriage AU.

  • Thursday Afternoons

    Harry loves Thursdays. Not because it's a day away from the weekend ‒ although that's a big chunk of it ‒ but because Thursday means he gets to see Cho right before the last period... Well, that is until Ginny comes into the picture. Set during OotP. H/G AU-ish.

  • Without Love

    His throat thickens with sobs and he swallows against them. He can't deal with his ‒ how did the mind healer call it? ‒ 'trauma' right now. Not tonight, not when he is sleep deprived. Bed sharing and erotic dreams trope mash-up suggested by deadwoodpecker on Trumblr... with a little twist of my own.

  • Fernando de Noronha

    Girls are annoying chatterboxes who always cry and nudge up to you like Devil's Snares, and Ginny Weasley is no different... or so he thought. H/G AU. No Voldemort. James and Lily are alive. Written for the SIYE Christmas Challenge (2019-3)

  • The Groundskeeper

    She didn't protest when he pulled her dress down over her hips. She didn't resist when he rough fingers graze her naked body. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  • As I Lay Me Down To Sleep

    Little Ginny had fallen asleep on her desk again, her cheek pressed into the heel of her hand and her lips slightly parted. I watched her from the corner of the room... Those steady breaths, those steady heartbeats… She was so beautiful.

  • Decalcomania

    Stay here, my love. There is a war outside and it keeps raging on. Set during DH. H/G angst.

  • Blood, Guts and Chocolate Cake

    Spectres of the past remain for her. He fears losing control. When Hogwarts runs red with blood, two people realise what being powerless is like. H/G

  • Summer 1996

    Snippets about how Ginny Weasley became Harry Potter's Amortentia. HBP missing moments.

  • Ginny's Pity Party

    It was a silly plan, really. Ginny knew this party was a bad idea!