

  • break up

    randy breaks up with his girlfriend. turns out to be funny or at least i think so. the kind of story you can read over and over and still think it funny. there are also parts were you think that is so true. so what kind of breakup was it 'we get back together in a few days' or 'crazy girl torches your car' breakup. disclaimer i do not own the show or the people in it

  • problem with a little brother

    mark uses randy's computer and gets caught, randy is not happy. so does randy punish mark for this and if so how. disclaimer i do not own the show or the people in it.

  • year 3000

    harry is sent over 1,000 years into the future an can not get back, what is he to do now.you should check out '3003' author of '3003' new version of the story is going up. also 'harry potter and the uncertain future' are much better. some funny inside tho

  • nighthawk

    this is what happens when harry says screw you i am going to live my own life and leave the wizarding world.this does look at it from the 20 year later veiw. warning bad spelling and even worse grammar also really bad jokes.

  • story plots

    just what the title says these are story plot ideas not all are my own but some are. some are just my own twists one ones i read on this site. so if you need ideas do to writters block you may find the cure here an if not you may just find an idea you lik