North of the North

  • Hostage

    Harry Potter is a Healer and was kidnapped not just for his fame, as the international crime gang hadn't recognized him with his glamour on, but for the red cross of the elite medical school he wore on his healer robes during Healer training at a monks temple and shouting had started outside while he was exploring the area on their evening after supper break.

  • Beads

    When England finds out that Canada has been starving himself, he gives a challenge. Whenever Mathew eats a meal he puts a bead onto a bracelet he wears to let Arthur know how he's doing. England's problem is how few beads there are by the time he has to leave.

  • A Lake Dwelling Mermaid

    Mathew found out about the existence of magical creatures by finding his school's most popular hunk Francis Bonnefoy at the bottom of a lake. Now he has to deal with Francis following him around and meddling in his business all so that Francis can be assured he won't go yell into a microphone about the existence of mermaids. Why can't Francis just believe he doesn't care?

  • Shortage

    The king of where Mathew lives is obsessed with magic. Mathew offers his skills as a witch to his king in exchange for food being sent to his province where everyone is starving. Unfortunately, the king wants more from him than just magical training.

  • Hello, how are you?

    High school story. 1st day of school starts with a new transfer student coming into Mathew's life. Then things start to get creepy.

  • Clockwork Arrows

    Canada and America may have deplorable conditions for their First Nations and Native American peoples right now, but that doesn't mean they don't care about them.

  • Cigarettes and Valentines

    France wasn't too sure if Canada would live past the first few moments after he woke up. He also wasn't too sure if Mathew would want to either.

  • The wolf that fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood

    Ludwig is a cannibal that stalks the woods by Mathew's village. Mathew becomes his next target by being confused for a girl. Because Ludwig hates girls, they were what took away his precious Feliciano. He always has to kill them, too bad this latest "girl" though is not a girl. Gercan.

  • Play the part of the horny couple

    High school story. Mathew's and Ivan's school is performing a play in the style of a horror movie and they are to play the part of the horny couple. Does it matter that they don't even know each other?

  • Arthur's Theory of Happiness

    The nations powers of immortality and healing have been discovered. One by one they are kidnapped. England figures out what's happening and gets a job from the kidnappers by hiding his identity. He soon makes his way into a position as a scientist observing, and waiting for the right moment.

  • Writings to the future

    Mathew, a budding author, is unknowingly writing a story about his future. One where he meets someone else to share it with. However, that other person may not be all he seems, and Mathew's subconscious kind of forgot to mention in his story how crazy that other person would be.

  • Residential School

    When England first took Canada from France he did not know English, so England sent him to a Residential School where they could take out the "Indian in the child".

  • District Zombies

    Mathew is part of a group of people called the power-born. He, along with his friends, have been trapped in an isolated place where they are now being hunted down in that area. Their goal is to stay alive, help out the other power-born in the same situation, and stop it from happening to anyone else ever again.

  • Colonist and Colony

    Each chapter contains a bunch of short little stories of some days for Canada under England's rule.

  • In dreams we meet

    Ivan has been dreaming about a purple eyed boy for weeks now. Never getting too close. But, the dreams are changing and now that same boy has transferred to his school.

  • A lost leader

    Madeleine Williams has spent her whole life being told what to do. But, when faced with the idea of an adventure, she goes off. Leaving the scientists who study her in a mad dash to find her and contain her as soon as possible.

  • What the hell?

    Two versions of an AmeCan story, both of them about the troubles caused by jealousy in a relationship, one of them before a relationship begins, and the other during it.

  • 99 Red Balloons

    Mathew lives in a world where everything abnormal is killed. With his purple eyes, he is definitely considered abnormal. Lost without anyone to help him, all he has is a pack of 100 balloons his brother had "upgraded" to make them be explosive. They are the only thing keeping him alive.

  • Hug Me

    France challenges Canada to a contest he is sure he will win, and doesn't. Oh well, no hard feelings, right? Rated T because of a bad word.

  • Shatter Me

    Mathew has been locked up alone for as long as he can remember. He takes a chance, and the glass holding him back shatters. Inspired by the song of the same name done by Lindsey Stirling and Lzzy Hale.