Paper Pearls

  • Dreams and Realities

    During the war, there is no light. However, solace can be found. Two chapters, each containing a femmeslash free verse poem.

  • A Constant Vigil

    That which is truly worth celebrating must be honoured for more than one paltry day per year, or so Severus Snape believes. A brief drabble with a theme of Severus/Lily.

  • Harry Potter and the McTabby Inspired Parodies

    A series of parodies based on and inspired by the weird and wacky summaries executed by McTabby. Featuring a selection of your favourite characters in truly bizarre situations. Don't forget to bring your sense of humour.

  • Happily Never After

    Charlie had never had her courage, and so he had would never know... A Charlie/Charity free verse poem.

  • His Fragile Future

    The future is his, if Lucius will claim it. A Lucius/Daphne free verse poem.

  • Betrayed by Nostalgia

    They had gone their separate ways, however the ending wasn't as clear cut as either Daphne or Lucius would have liked to believe. One-shot. CrossGen!

  • Crossing the Bridge

    It had been too good to be true, like all of their dreams. A free verse poem dealing with the friendship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

  • Puppets on a Pretty String

    A poem about Victoire, and how she liked to toy with boys. A Victoire/Neville free verse.

  • Unintended

    A late night conversation in which Pansy and Dominique discuss their relationship. One-shot, although it can either be read alone or after "Favoured by Gravity". Warnings: CrossGen! Femmeslash!

  • NonReturnable Goods

    A parody in which Lucius tries to return a girl's... well... you get the idea. A parody based on a summary executed by McTabby. Not for the faint of heart, i.e. those easily offended.

  • Harry Potter and the Impossible Suggestion

    "Dumbledore asks Harry for one more favor. Mpreg. Though not what you think." One of McTabby's Executed summaries inspired this *parody*. Rated T for bad language and being generally disturbing - you'll see why. One-shot.

  • In the Land of Perpetual Day

    Pansy paid for her suggestion to hand over Harry Potter. She knew better than to expect time to make a difference to her misfortune - only, it did. A Pansy/Dominique poem. Warning: CrossGen! Femmeslash!

  • Favoured by Gravity

    Dominique doesn't understand what it is about Pansy Parkinson that fascinates her, at least not at first. However, she's only too happy to be drawn in. One-shot. Warning: CrossGen! Femmeslash!

  • Rootless

    Teddy Lupin's thoughts on his parents and how others - chiefly his grandmother, Harry and Ginny - have both succeeded and failed to fill the gap that they left in his life. One-shot.

  • Imperfect Unity

    Fleur dwells upon the various traits of each of her children - the good and the bad. One-shot.

  • Beyond the Shards

    Narcissa examines her fellow Death Eaters, considering the victims behind the villains. One-shot.

  • Just a Dream

    It feels right to be with Marlene, but Alice knows that it's wrong. Isn't it?

  • Negative Space

    Astoria realises that it is impossible to compete with a dream, because imagination is not limited by the constraints of reality. A free verse poem dealing with Draco/Pansy.

  • Precariously Balanced

    They had all made sacrifices for the war, and all forsaken some form of morality. In order to recover his humanity, Remus allowed himself to be selfish and pretend that he didn't have responsibilities. A Remus/Luna one-shot. Warning: adultery!

  • Vulnerable

    They are both aware of the imbalance of power in their relationship, but knowing doesn't amount to caring. This is a brief Dransy drabble.