A phone call in the middle of the night and a decision made by a bleary-eyed Jackson lead to Louise finally appearing in his life again. The trouble is, will he be able to find the words that are three years in the making? Louise/Jackson
'You grow older - yearbyyear daybyday hourbyhour momentbymoment - and every time c o m m i t m e n t comes calling you escape into the dark run run run running away because you only want one woman and she w-a-l-k-e-d away' - freeverse - Martha/Clive
'That's why Because of how CONVINCED you are that he d/o/e/s/n'/t care when he says those threelittlewords to you for the first time YOU DON'T BELIEVE HIM' - Freeverse - Martha/Clive
'You always get E{V}E{R}Y{T}H{I}N{G} you want All you have to DO is put in a little more E/F/F/O/R/T And she's no different Except that theonetime you don't want it to be a one-time-thing it is' - Freeverse - Martha/Clive
'Not a person ((Clive)) Not an abstract emotion ((Love)) Not the future ((and the hope that one day things will be okay again)) No, you c-l-i-n-g to your job because it can't l/e/t you down can't h/\u/\r/\t you can't turn around .and. .stab. .you. .in. .the. .back.' Freeverse. Set post 1x06
'For the other (sherlocksherlocksherlock) death is but an obstacle to be overcome another deduction to make And one day Not now Not even soon He will take to the stage as The man he used to be' - freeverse
'You stare at the blank blank blank wall and wonder where e/v/e/r/y/t/h/i/n/g went wrong' - freeverse - John/Mary
'because it's the t.r.u.t.h &the truth is ugly &sometimes its b e t t e r off not kNoWiNg but he will KNOW ((and. .when. .he. .knows. .that's. .when. .its. .all. .over.))' - freeverse - John/Mary
'You were in the d-a-r-k ((the worst time of your L I F E )) Because you lost your f/r/i/e/n/d [(the best friend you e v e r had)] when you met her She shined like the sun and the dark was no m-o-r-e and things were f.i.n.a.l.l.y falling into place' - Freeverse. John/Mary
'You m.e.e.t a MAN and s/l/o/w/l/y but s\u\r\e\l\y you fall in LOVE even though you DON'T want to because love is a w:e:a:k:n:e:s:s but for once YoU dOn'T cArE' John/Mary Freeverse
'You don't mind being C o l d ]Aloof[ A/l/o/n/e You've never had q u a l m s about breaking hearts because if you break theirs they can't break yours' - Freeverse - character study of Charity.
'He's always been there Your good o/l/d f r i e n d with his kind eyes and wise smile who always points you towards the sun when you're trapped in the shadows' - freeverse - Ric/Diane
'The world won't stop for you just because you want it to, just because you want to stay in this perfect moment with nothing wrong, with the shadows of death and destruction far away, with crushing doubts and faces creased with worry banished.' - Remus/Tonks
You are sitting on a bus and you wonder what will happen if you get off.
One drunk phone call and her marriage was falling apart...and yet Louise didn't care because her drunk caller had been Jackson. She didn't think into that too much. Jackson/Louise
She screams and yells and begs but in the back of her head she knows he's gone now. Charity/Cain.