
  • 366 Snarry Days

    A collection of 366 stories that will have one thing in common. They'll all be about my favourite men. Harry and Severus. Enjoy!

  • Noble Stranger

    Prince Tom is bored - until he runs into a mysterious stranger

  • Guard Duty

    Lucius broke Harry's heart. Can he fix it again.

  • Pitter Patter Of Tiny Feet

    ...Or, 5 Ways Hermione could tell Ron she's pregnant, and 1 time he tells her she's pregnant

  • Breaking Barriers

    Soulmate!AU. When Harry learns who his soulmate is, he strengthens his Occlumency barriers to breaking point. Can anyone get through to him? Will he ever get a happy ending?

  • An End To The Loneliness

    Harry learns to be an animagus and makes a new friend. Will that friend be the key to beating the loneliness that plagues Harry constantly?

  • A Little Broken (but that's okay)

    Seamus is trying to hold it together for George. George helps him see that it's okay to be a little broken.

  • Nothing To Miss

    Post War AU - Tonks lives. Harry and Tonks are close following the war. The question is, how close?

  • Friends? Well Maybe

    What if... What if Draco didn't curse Harry in the bathroom? What if they talked instead?

  • To Dream Of You

    Sirius dreams of watching her walk down the aisle towards him. Letter!fic. Warning for Character death and general angsty-ness.

  • Breakfast?

    Severus know's its going to hurt. He's braced for it to hurt. But is it?

  • These Nights (I need you more than ever)

    With nightmares plaguing him, Harry just wants to sleep.

  • A Beacon Of Hope

    How can you stop someone from killing themselves when they want to die? SeamusGeorge.

  • Home

    Harry is at a loss to work out why Draco would take the blame for something he didn't do. Rated for Language.

  • Remus-Locked

    Alone at a cosplay convention, Remus feels out of place until a familiar figure catches up with him.

  • Inescapable

    For Sophie - Regulus thought he'd escaped the nightmare. He had no idea he was about to walk into another. Warning for psychological torture.

  • His (except he's not)

    For Sophie - Regulus craves James intensely, and he knows that James is his... except when he's not. Vampire!AU

  • Developing Passions

    Even after his death, it seems Colin is still guiding Dennis in developing his passions. (References to canon character death)

  • Amongst The Flowers

    For every important moment, the defining setting is the beautiful garden where he sits amongst the flowers. Brief mentions of AlScor.

  • You Should See Me In A Crown

    Minerva smiled then, leaning forward to press her lips to his cheek. "Then, Mr Tom Riddle of Wool's Orphanage… How do you feel about wearing a crown?" / MinervaTom, Cinderella!Au / For Jade.