A collection of 366 stories that will have one thing in common. They'll all be about my favourite men. Harry and Severus. Enjoy!
Prince Tom is bored - until he runs into a mysterious stranger
Lucius broke Harry's heart. Can he fix it again.
...Or, 5 Ways Hermione could tell Ron she's pregnant, and 1 time he tells her she's pregnant
Soulmate!AU. When Harry learns who his soulmate is, he strengthens his Occlumency barriers to breaking point. Can anyone get through to him? Will he ever get a happy ending?
Harry learns to be an animagus and makes a new friend. Will that friend be the key to beating the loneliness that plagues Harry constantly?
Seamus is trying to hold it together for George. George helps him see that it's okay to be a little broken.
Post War AU - Tonks lives. Harry and Tonks are close following the war. The question is, how close?
What if... What if Draco didn't curse Harry in the bathroom? What if they talked instead?
Sirius dreams of watching her walk down the aisle towards him. Letter!fic. Warning for Character death and general angsty-ness.
Severus know's its going to hurt. He's braced for it to hurt. But is it?
With nightmares plaguing him, Harry just wants to sleep.
How can you stop someone from killing themselves when they want to die? SeamusGeorge.
Harry is at a loss to work out why Draco would take the blame for something he didn't do. Rated for Language.
Alone at a cosplay convention, Remus feels out of place until a familiar figure catches up with him.
For Sophie - Regulus thought he'd escaped the nightmare. He had no idea he was about to walk into another. Warning for psychological torture.
For Sophie - Regulus craves James intensely, and he knows that James is his... except when he's not. Vampire!AU
Even after his death, it seems Colin is still guiding Dennis in developing his passions. (References to canon character death)
For every important moment, the defining setting is the beautiful garden where he sits amongst the flowers. Brief mentions of AlScor.
Minerva smiled then, leaning forward to press her lips to his cheek. "Then, Mr Tom Riddle of Wool's Orphanage… How do you feel about wearing a crown?" / MinervaTom, Cinderella!Au / For Jade.