

  • An Important Choice

    Rose Weasley is in her final year at Hogwarts. She has many roads open to her but it all rests on one thing. An important choice. RoseScorpius

  • One More Girl

    Charlie Weasley is thought to be married to his work. But that doesn't mena he can't love. Unfortunately, the only girl he loves is off-limits to him.

  • We Can Dance Beneath The Stars

    During a long weary night after the Final Battle, he finds a beautiful girl dancing in the starlight.

  • Ron's Nightmare

    After seeing the locket's vision of Harry and Hermione, Ron has been having nightmares. But have his nightmares finally come true?

  • Smells Like Rain

    Terrible weather is characteristic in Scotland. What Lucy wonders is why she likes rain so much? Her romance novel fantasies always seem to involve rain...

  • Checkmate

    Molly Weasley knows all about chess. Yet she sees not what is right across the battlefield. Love is the only thing that may distract her long enough for a checkmate... MollyLysander

  • The Battle Begins

    In the swirling snows of Antarctica, Harry, Ron and Hermione are about to face a battle. But what are they really fighting for?

  • The Wedding Of The Year

    Will Rose's wedding be the wedding of the year?

  • Christmas With The In Laws

    Will Rose survive an entire Christmas at the Burrow with all her family around her? RoseScorpius

  • A New Reason

    The trio begin their journey to Antarctica. But can they escape Umbridge's new security measures? Trio-centric with a hint of HarryGinny

  • Ancient And Dark

    Harry, Ron and Hermione try to find out more about the thing possessing Ginny. But will a revelation force them to take a journey that may prove futile? Trio-centric

  • In Times Of Test, Family Is Best

    An alternate telling of Harry's vision, but Mr Weasley doesn't survive. Has this loss driven Ginny over the edge? Or is it something else?

  • The Wills Of Remus, Nymphadora and Fred

    When Harry and his friends attend a will reading, they get more than they bargained for.