

  • How to Harvest Ice the Kristoff Bjorgman Way

    This has been your life for 13 years; you understand the subtleties.

  • a dream you hold in your hand

    Chiralities is a Disney/Captain America fusion-a series of connected stories, following Anna Rogers as she enlists, becomes Captain America, and shapes a world. See the full work on AO3: /works/1582751

  • Interlude

    A story about the years in between. Chiralities is a Disney/Captain America fusion-a series of connected stories, following Anna Rogers as she enlists, becomes Captain America, and shapes a world. See the full work on AO3: /works/1582751

  • Past and Future

    Old memories and a new baby: Kristoff and Anna work out some kinks while adjusting to this new 'parenthood' thing.

  • Touch

    She has the soft hands of someone who has never worked; his are rough and calloused, often scratched and dried out from exposure to wind and grating snow.

  • Blizzard

    It's still winter, and this is just a small respite in an old fashioned blizzard, but the ice is broken.

  • Somedays are real

    The ice-harvester and the princess is such an unlikely fairytale. (Kristoff is still thinking about that kiss.)

  • Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand

    Disney/Captain America fusion-a series of connected stories, following Anna Rogers as she enlists, becomes Captain America, and shapes a world. The Chiralities AU is the brainchild of Tumbler/AO3 users Counterpunch, RowanWould, theseerasures, ultranos; they just let me play in their sandbox. (Read the full set here: /works/1582751)

  • There Are More Than Nations Inside Us

    Disney/Captain America fusion-a series of connected stories, following Anna Rogers as she enlists, becomes Captain America, and shapes a world. The Chiralities AU is the brainchild of Tumbler users Counterpunch, RowanWould, theseerasures, ultranos; they just let me play in their sandbox. (Read the full set here: /works/1582751)

  • Adrift

    Lady. She is a grown woman, not a girl. He is modifying his thinking.

  • Reunion

    Harry returns to the Burrow after a self imposed exile following the final battle. Ginny reacts unpredictably.

  • The Guitar

    Hermione reflects on her boys.

  • Christmas Falls

    Tonks has an accident right before Christmas. Remus tries to cheer her up.

  • On Leaving

    Ron makes a decision.

  • Tyger, Tyger

    It is her first day in the rainforest and she can't breathe. [Elsa/Jane Porter]

  • Blossom By Blossom

    Spring; the season of new things. (For break-the-frozenheart on Tumblr)

  • Flowers in Her Footsteps

    Life in the kingdom is completely idyllic. Unpredictable, but you know. Nice. (For counterpunches on Tumblr. Mostly ridiculous.)

  • Date Material

    Anna has an accident. (Kristoff isn't surprised exactly, but her timing could improve.) Set in the same AU-verse as Courage to the Sticking Place.

  • It's Just Me

    A collection of Anna-centric drabbles and ficlets, originally written for Tumblr's Anna Week Celebration. Prompts were: Young Anna, Favorite Things, Self-Consciousness, Sleigh Ride, Seasons and Relationships.

  • Courage to the Sticking Place

    This is surely the longest fifteen minutes of her life. A Modern AU.