
  • Better Than Words

    Deeks has never been good at saying what he is feeling, even when there is a chance of loosing what he wants the most. Densi. OneShot.

  • Waiting For Her Pretty Face

    There's only one pretty face that Adrian is wanting. Sydrian. OneShot.

  • Nice Guys Don't Always Come Last

    After a bad break up, Julian really isn't sure being a nice guy pays off. Brulian. OneShot.

  • Returning the Favour

    Peeta was always there when Katniss needed him. Now it's her turn to help him forget. Everlark. OneShot.

  • Strip Poker

    It only took a couple of drinks and a few rounds of poker to get her down to those sexy underwear. Haleb. OneShot.

  • Sober Eyes

    It wasn't often that Puck passed up on the chance to have a meaningless, drunken encounter. Quick. OneShot.

  • Drinking Champagne, Going Insane

    Draco has never seen Hermione let loose. It is one hell of a sexy sight. Dramione. OneShot.