Serpent In Red

  • Somewhere in Time

    Sent back in time by a mysterious person and trapped in the past with a missing Dumbledore and an overbearing, charismatic Dark Lord, they had no idea how much they could dabble with before the world they had known shattered into pieces.

  • Mask

    After Lord Voldemort was resurrected again, he was left with a small problem: What to do with the intelligent neighbor living in the apartment above him. In this masquerade, she was destined to submit to his will. Or was she?

  • Reconstructed

    With Lord Voldemort vanquished, everything was supposed to return to normal - that was what Hermione thought, until a soft whisper coming from the room that should've been destroyed beckoned her curiosity and lured her into finding the answers to the enigmas.

  • Somewhere in Time Outtakes

    Outtakes that were written for Somewhere in Time. It would only cause more confusion if I were to put it in the main story, so here it is. Note: Reading this without reading the main story might be confusing.

  • Doppelganger

    AU. Compliant with DH except for the epilogue. She thought it ended that morning. She thought everything was at peace now. And that was exactly when she started seeing shadows of another person, in the one closest to her.

  • A Chance Meeting

    A sudden thunderstorm brought them in contact with one another. Though they were mere strangers, she could not help but feel an inexplicable attraction towards him.

  • Identity

    When she was just about to completely lose her mind, he entered into her world of darkness and offered a chance to save herself.

  • Spoils of War

    In the midst of flames, one particular pair of eyes captured his eyes. Considerably darker than other one-shots and multichaptered fics I've written, including "Prisms of Darkness". Be warned.