
  • Something's Bugging Me

    Oneshot: Now it's true that I'm just an MI grunt - I'm hardly the bloody sky marshal or anything. But is it just me, or could we have planned this invasion a bit better?

  • Andromeda: Something's Fishy

    Oneshot: With Castellia having signed up to the New Systems Commonwealth, there was only one way for the crew of the 'Andromeda' to celebrate - eat fish and chips.

  • Sound of Sorrow

    Poem: "No-one's left. Everything's gone. Kharak is burning."

  • Command and Conquer: Take a Breath

    Oneshot: Asphyxiation. It isn't a pretty way to go.

  • Terra Nova

    Poem: It had taken fifteen years. But finally, humanity had a homeworld again.

  • The Doom of Valyria

    Poem: The Doom was swift and sudden, without warning.

  • The Final Frontier

    Oneshot: Space exploration can get a bit meta sometimes...

  • The Mathematics of Awesomeness

    Oneshot: It began with an offhand comment about a dress. It ended with a mathematical nightmare...

  • StarCraft: The Sound of Music

    Oneshot: Valerian had little love for DuGalle - he'd led an invasion of the Terran Dominion after all. Still, he had to admit, the admiral had had excellent taste in music.

  • The Tax Man

    Oneshot: It's not all that cracked up to be, being a dragon. Sure, you can get lots of loot, but you still have to pay your taxes like any other mortal.

  • To-do List

    Poem: "Something good. Something bad. Bit of both. I've actually got a "to-do list."

  • Traveller's Light

    Poem: Question not the word of the Traveller...

  • Metroid: Valkyrie

    Oneshot: "Valkyrie." That was what some in the Federation were calling Samus now. But it didn't matter. They were hunting her all the same.

  • Amateurs

    Oneshot: Sometimes, John Connor let the stress of the job get to him...

  • Fallen Star

    Poem: From across Sanctuary they came. All seeking the Fallen Star.

  • Pax Imperia

    War Prime Poem: Despite its namesake, the Pax Empire was not an empire of peace. Fitting then, that its demise be as violent as its rule.

  • Ripping 'em Up

    Oneshot: It's hard being an Assassin in even the best of times. Dealing with Jack the Ripper, Queen Victoria, poor grammar, and glitches only adds to the burden.

  • Giving You the Slip

    Oneshot: It wasn't nice for Harper, knowing that he had magog growing inside him, that sooner or later those magog would hatch, tearing him apart from the inside. Knowing this, there was only one course of action - get drunk.

  • Hand of Darkness

    Poem: "I have journeyed through the darkness between the most distant stars. I have beheld the births of negative-suns and borne witness to the entropy of entire realities. Unto my experience, Aldaris, all that you've built here on Aiur is but a fleeting dream. A dream from which your precious Conclave shall awaken, finding themselves drowned in a greater nightmare."

  • To the Moon

    Poem: Fry had always dreamed of going to the moon. He'd never really expected that actually going there would be his first delivery run. Yet something felt...off, about the experience.