
  • Resurrection of Life

    Harry sees the resurrection stone as a promise of life.

  • The Muggles Who Doomed The World

    Draco Malfoy thinks on his hatred of muggles, two in particular.

  • Drinking Buddy?

    Owen goes to a bar to forget all about Torchwood, there he meets someone who could become a friend. This is the first part of the Of Doctors and Detectives verse

  • Dreams

    Instead of dwelling on dreams, Sarah sought to make them reality.

  • Chocolate in the Nest

    Myfanwy looks for a treat while her nestlings are out.

  • Move In

    Owen takes advantage of his lover's weakness to get what he wants. Follows The Doctor's Gift.

  • The Visiting Doctor

    Owen turns up to visit his lover after a long stint at work.

  • The Doctor's Gift

    Andy is struggling at work as a result of his lover's gift. Follows after The Visiting Doctor.

  • I'm Not Sick

    Ianto is adamant that Jack see Owen despite the man's claims he isn't ill.

  • House Call

    Owen has a house call to make for the benefit of the team.

  • A Friend

    Toshiko gets an unexpected visit.

  • Missed Chance

    Sherlock and John have a short conversation.

  • Nervous Cleaning

    Gwen is curious about Jack's frantic cleaning.

  • New Year Hi-Jinks

    After the New Year McGee is avoiding Abby and Tony wants to know why. Abby/McGee.

  • Gaining the Dragon's Interest

    Draco and his friends visit the dragons, and Draco gets hooked. Set during GOF. First instalment of The Dragon and his Tamer verse, before Meeting Dragon and Taming Dragon

  • Little Dragon Friend

    During an attempted escape Charlie makes what could be a little dragon friend for life. Follows Working With Dragons

  • Of Dragons, Goblins and Ghosts

    Rose Weasley tries to tell Professor Binns that the goblins keep dragons.

  • Under The Water

    Harry is used to creatures living under the water in the great lake, the Weasley's pond was another matter entirely.

  • The Gryffindor or Slytherin Path to Greatness

    Barty considers were certain actions have taken him.

  • Flying High

    Harry's future is coming together so well that he is simply flying high.