
  • There you'll be

    Faith Hills song from pearl Harbour and people who hate soapy sapp don't read, its heart puking I think but its okay a decent song so any gothy people who hate that stuff, soz. It sL/J don't criticize I'm only just 14 it was my birthday a few days ago

  • Memories

    Its strange Lily and James are alive and Hary and the books exsist. Its difficult to understand just read it and if you hate don't tell me

  • Hermiones diary: Exams life love and boys

    Pg for mild sewaring a think. It's all a girls thoughts pperhaps not Hermiones. And crookshanks talking a don't know why a put that in that was help from my friends again to make it more intresting

  • Close your eyes

    Song about James leaving Lily, but coming back and getting married, Song from Westlifes album

  • Songs to fit situations

    A few songs to fit caracters thoughts, feelings and situations i have'nt read the books in along time so some of the pairing from charachters to songs might not be that correct.

  • The past repeats itself.txt

    About how Sirius could live with Harry and his family.