

  • You Can Do Better

    Everybody tells me that I can do better than Roy. I just wish I could tell myself that.

  • Who He Is And Who She Wishes He Could Be

    Len is alot of things to Rin. He's her brother, her best friend, her partner in crime, her knight in shining armour. He's everything she could ever ask for, yet she still wishes he could be more than just a brother. Drabble.

  • Don't Cry Over Me

    Following the death of Wally, everyone is devastated. Dick is trying to keep his cool, but he especially feels horrible, knowing that he should have told Wally something a long time ago. However grief-stricken, he knows that Wally wouldn't have wanted Dick to cry over him.

  • The Boy Wonder and Kid Idiot

    Being with Robin isn't always easy, but that's okay, because Wally is just as difficult to deal with. 30 sentences or more about The Boy Wonder and Kid Idiot's relationship.

  • Alone in the Dark

    It was a rather childish fear that Miku had grown back into, being afraid of the dark. You can never be sure what hides in the dark, after all. And there's only one girl that could make Miku feel safe in this dark...

  • She Keeps Me Warm

    After a long day, Miku is tired and cold. At night, she can't sleep, but having Luka next to her to keep her warm is quite helpful.

  • Caught in the Rain

    At two in the morning, Miku is the last person Luka would expect to have show up on her front porch. It had been years since she had seen her, and all types of memories resurfaced. One in particular, Luka remembers Miku's fear of thunder storms.

  • Hands

    It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to Robin, none the less. Drabble.

  • You Don't Need Girls

    Robin and Kid Flash have been dating in secret for a while now, when the Flash and Batman are just starting to catch on. Batman can't say he's upset by the news, because a memory from 5 years ago comes to mind...

  • Piss Off, Pervert!

    While Wally may think he's just trying to be nice, and maybe even a little flirtatious, he's really just coming off as a pervert instead, without realising it.

  • Just Five More Minutes

    It's moments like this Robin lives for. Waking up in the morning next to his beloved, without a worry in the world. "Five more minutes," Wally yawns, as the alarm clock rings.

  • Dear Cassie

    Arsenal knew he was doomed the minute he entered Mount Justice. A few feet from him, Cassie stood eyeing a pink lacy cut-out heart, entitled 'Dear Cassie'. Things could only get better, or worse from here on.

  • Unexpected Valentine

    After watching all his friends get dates for Valentines day, Beast Boy suddenly feels very desperate to find himself a Valentine. There's someone he's thought about asking, but the thought of doing so makes him feel so nervous. However, little does he know, the person he wants to ask out feels the exact same way.

  • Stupid Cupid

    It's almost Valentines Day, and love is in the air. The Titans decide to host a get together party for the event, and upon doing so, Speedy decides to play match maker with Raven and Robin.

  • Chocolate Kisses

    Both Raven and Robin have never had a valentine for Valentine's Day. However, this will all change, thanks to Robin who has a tricky plan in mind!

  • Betrayal

    It wasn't like they were together-it shouldn't have even mattered. Still, that didn't mean it hurt any less to see Robin and Starfire share a kiss.

  • Fast Love

    It isn't easy being with Kid Flash. He lives a fast life. He gets bored easily. He can never just sit down and relax. It can get rather tiring, and there are times when Jinx thinks she'd be better off without, but in the end, Jinx knows she loved him too much to let him go, despite his big ego and fast way of life.

  • On The Same Boat

    It's Beast Boy's turn to grieve his parents death. It's Robin's turn to comfort Beast Boy. After all, they're on the same boat. They both know what it's like to loose someone you love.

  • Song for Terra

    Terra can deny the fact that she doesn't know Beast Boy all she wants, but that won't stop him. In attempts to get close to her again, he shows up at her school, following her around to serenade her with a song.

  • Crave To Touch

    Starfire loved physical affection. Kisses, hugs, holding hands-but more than anything, she loved playing with hair. Beast Boy and Robin always had nice hair, but Starfire always had a soft spot for Raven's hair in specific.