

  • lunch mix up

    A one shot based on when Lisa's and Bart 's lunches get mixed up in "what animated women want". Supposed to be funny.

  • Faith

    Alan runs away after the teasing becomes too much. One night he pulls 12 year old Faith out of a car crash that killed her parents. As she has no one left she becomes his little sister but could she also be the reason he goes home?

  • Brother bonding

    Vlad and Malik wake up chained back to back on the roof with a danger of the son raising. They have to work together to get inside.

  • Brothers no matter what

    Malik is captured by slayers and they are going to stake him as he hasn't been keeping to the peace treaty but Vlad stops them. Character OC added as Draculas may be a bit OC and no matter what in my mind Malik didn't die and he is still Vlad's brother.

  • change

    Remus' P.O.V on what he goes through every full moon.

  • Jared's family

    After the events of the host (book) Jared runs into his brothers and realises he can take the souls out of them but are they still in there?

  • A Better end to the movie Speed Racer

    What if Rex had changed his mind about telling Speed, he was Rex, and decided to tell him. Written as if Rex never showed Speed his face under the mask.