

  • The suite life of just Cody

    A what if story! What if Cody was raised by his dad? Shows how he grows up with his dad till him and his siblings go to the SS Tipton with Kurt and the band and meet Zack. Will be done in one year per chapter. Cover image (clockwise) is Cody and Kurt (obviously) then Hope (Cody's little half-sister) and Alan (Cody's half-brother). please review! no reviews make me sad. :(

  • Tape deck

    John Young started at the note in his hands, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably as tears ran down his face. Did this mean what he thought it did? Was Stephen gonna kill himself?

  • Bethan in war

    Benny has had enough of Ethan picking Sarah over him so he leaves Whitechapel and goes to fight in the same war his parents are fighting in. What's Ethan gonna do when he realises he loves Benny?

  • how we met

    Prequel to He's just a kid - Gordon how wrong you were, shows how Alan and his friends met.

  • And our lives were going great

    Sequel to runaway Racers Speed and Alan's lives are going great or they were until Royalton escaped. Now they're forced to race for him or he'll kill everyone they care about.

  • how life goes

    The life of the crazy cat lady and how her life went downhill.

  • Family is family

    Clyde meets his half-brother/cousin and can't help but admit he's cute.

  • The death of my brother

    After Bleeding gums murphy dies Doctor Hibbert finds out he is his brother and then when he reads his brothers will, he goes in search of his long lost twin brother. Dr Hibbert and Bleeding gums Murphy are the characters but they aren't on the list.

  • Merlin's family

    When most people think about Merlin's family they only see his mum and maybe Gaius but that isn't just who Merlin sees. Merlin's POV. Sweet thoughts. Main character is Merlin but Percival, Will, Arthur, Hunith, Gwen, Lancelot, Leon, Gwaine, Elyan, good Mordred and Gaius all mentioned. please read and review, please!

  • Brothers take two

    Percy and Luke have sort of made up but can it last? Especially since Luke is under the gods suspicion as to where his loyalties lie. And they have to save the whole camp all without even resting from their last quest. With emotions, pain, memories and unsaid words flying can they survive?

  • Nativity 2 and a half

    Hey!" Daniel said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Hello." Roderick nodded. "Still like to talk proper then?" "Yeah. Still with Sarah then?" "Yeah and our little boys, Lenny and Scottie." Roderick and Daniel see each other 4 years later at their dad's funeral. P.s. Roderick never went to the barn at the end of the movie in this version

  • What if?

    What if Indiana had never left Marion and Mutt and they were there for the rest of his adventures?

  • changes

    Nina comes back to the UK expecting everything to be the same but a lot has changed. The gang are in college

  • i want you back

    Jerome kisses a girl by accident and breaks Fabian's heart. How does he win him back? Established Ferome. For one shot day 2014

  • from the beginning to the wedding

    Jerome and Fabian's children want to know how their dads got to where they are today here's what they tell them. Rated t cause I'm paranoid

  • how to propose

    How the members of anubis proposed to their other half. Written before I liked Ferome.

  • Best friends brother

    Au Mick and Jerome are step brothers and Fabian, Mick best friend has a crush on Jerome

  • Running away ferome style

    Fabian and Jerome are in love but when they come out to their friends no seems to accept them so they run away. But when their friends find out that Rufus is hunting the two boys can they find them and convince them to come back? Characters are OC and it's a bit weird but que sera sera

  • I just wanna be me

    Alan's thoughts on his brothers, who people think he is and who he is. Movie-verse. being revised chapter 2 - 5 up

  • 6 times and 1 time

    The 6 times Alan almost tells his family how he feels and the 1 time he does. Movie-verse one shot only character listed is Alan but all Tracys involved.