
  • Visiting Mother

    Fairy Leviathan goes to visit the Mother Elf, and ends up performing a water ballet on land for her. [AU-ish]

  • Ghost of a Woman

    The Mother Elf is a very beautiful program; formed from human consciousness and designed to end the Maverick Wars once and for all. Her ties to X, however, run far deeper than what anyone could expect. [AU][Spoiler-ish tie-in to Maverick]

  • Giro's Nightmare

    'Take one, or let them both die' is a phrase that has haunted Giro for over a decade, and seeing Vent doesn't help him forget it either. [AU]

  • Aile's Friend

    AU: Aile is an orphan who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. But things are not as they seem, even after she gets caught. [Rated T due to some rather rude police officers]

  • On Your Side

    A rewrite of my OC's back story: Bridget was Ken's savior- she defended him although she didn't even know his name. After physically attacking a bully, Bridget is expelled and Ken feels the blame for it. So he decides to follow her to her new school in hopes that he can protect her. It... doesn't exactly go out as planned... at first...

  • Little Music Box

    Wind the little music box up, if it ends- so do we.

  • Skeleton Dance

    In homage and parody of the original Inspector Gadget formula; Zane receives a mysterious request from the Skulkin who happen to be at the Temple of Light for some reason. Unknown to him, Mina tags along and the two find something they were certainly not expecting...

  • Jewel of Blue

    The Jewel of Blue was a legend in Smurf history that told of a great magic. In an Alice in Wonderland experience, a young girl finds this jewel and takes it home. Years later, Gargamel is searching for the Jewel of Blue to finally finish off the Smurfs. But the now grown girl needs to come back first, and its easier said than done... WIP

  • Fears

    When that catchy, ear worm inducing song is over, reality sets in. For Ponyo, this brings on a new fear of being alone from years of her sisters slowly abandoning her. With Sosuke by her side, can this spunky 13 year old keep her child-like spirit in a world demanding grown-ups? WIP

  • Gray Matter

    When a human boy is fatally injured by a prototype android, he becomes the greatest cyborg in history; Mega Man. Between directives, free will, and blurred worldviews, more than bones and trust will be broken before the end of this story... An AU that took a lot of preparation and research, reviews are always welcomed.

  • Return to Sender

    When a mysterious girl arrives abruptly in New Ninjago City, things become complicated when it is revealed that she is Lloyd's future daughter. The Digi-Lord now wants to use her to gain control over the Gold Ninja's power. Can the ninja get her back to her own time before things go horribly wrong? Set in Rebooted around episode 31, bordering AU lines with shades of headcanon. R&R

  • Mend the Bond

    Just in time for Father's Day, some mood whiplash and awkward bonding between a newly reunited father and daughter. Read as Mina (OC) asks Lloyd why he decided to leave her, why she was placed in Kai's care, and some other things that take place in my screwed up headcanon. Dedicated to my own father, who I truthfully don't know that well...

  • The Package

    A short drabble-ish thing based on randomly playing Rinmaru's dress up games: Kai receives a package that Mina really wants to see, and the two wrestle a bit for control over the package. But when its contents are revealed, a piece of the past is revealed to an orphan who really wants to know her parents. Kai/OC family fluff, hinted (or implied, I dunno) Lloyd/OC

  • That Little Red String

    Local rich kid Misako is stubborn and full of sass. The First Spinjitzu Master finds these traits valuable and helps her train to become a kunoichi. But her training is taken with his two sons, Garmadon and Wu. Let's just face it, they're all doomed by canon any way. WIP, main Misako/Garmadon, minor Misako/Wu

  • Blood Bonds

    Mina had always seen her abilities as an unwilling way to hurt others. Lloyd also has these abilities due to an inevitable family history. When the two extremes meet, can it destroy the world as we know it? Inspiration from Carrie, Frozen, a dream I had May 2014, Kingdom Hearts, and a small handful of others. AU of headcanon. Reviews welcomed!

  • Paradox

    The short story where a ten year old asks a Nindroid if he has a reaction to paradoxes. Based on (and referencing) a quote from Portal 2, and a simple, logical reason as to why Zane sparked in 'Child's Play.'

  • Comics of the Past

    Mina wants Kai to buy her a particular comic book, but he refuses due to a connection with an old friend gone missing. A short drabble written to keep stress down during finals and graduation preparation. References 'Child's Play' and official headcanon.

  • Anna the Songbird

    The beginning years were rough as Booker raised Anna. But when they found out she could sing, he signed her up for as many vaudeville acts he could afford at a time. Little did he know the songs she 'made up' were actually written several years in the future... WIP, R&R

  • Feeling Like April Ryan

    A short drabble that teaches that you need to watch what you say around gamers, such as Armin. Self-insert, no pairings.