Post ep 46. Follows right after Ghost. Only thing left is to keep going forward.
It never cease to amaze her at their level of 'enthusiasm'.
Post ep 47. About time he opened up his heart back again. And Nii-san was smiling.
Post ep 46. To have his brother waking up after so long, it sounded too good to be true.
There's a first time for everything.
Ep 17-esque. First impressions could be so misleading...
Pre-MnH. Little Raiga learnt a new word...
Pre-MnH. Funny how something so silly could be so miraculous.
Pre-series. So Micchi had noticed that his brother didn't eat much lately...
Pre-series. Takatora never thought a single phone call could be so misleading...
31-centric. At least he had time to think now.
Spoilers for 31. It's just... there's a lot of things in his mind now.
It's something she had noticed... for quite a while now.
Pre-series. First PTA meets are 'fun'.
28-centric. They were hurting each other all along.
To say that he hated him, it's not so simple. 28-centric.
It's been a long time since he called Mitsuzane by his pet name.
Some of the things he ended up doing wasn't always pleasant. But Takatora could always pretend that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was.
The air of noble presence was what intrigued him most about Takatora.
There's a reason why he insists that they could only able to create one billion drivers for humanity.