Ketakoshka Kathleen Castlionia

  • The Wonderland Chronicles

    The finished story of Allen Walker, the Mad Hatter and his four lovers. Taken from Torturous Loves

  • Enter Our Asylum

    Scarecrow's always been fascinated with a young inmate in Arkham Asylum named Allen Walker. As it turns out, he's not the only one.

  • The Dark Consorts

    Having been raised by their Lords, Harry and Allen are considered the most important people in the world, and with the resistance threatening their place of power, the twins will have to help set things right.

  • Winter's Demise

    Sequel to Winter's Clown. After the rise (and fall) of Pitch, Manny goes silent, leaving a distraught and flightless Allen behind. Perhaps the return of a long-lost family member will help him fly again.

  • Snow Dancer

    Of all of the secrets to be revealed when he found his mother, Hiccup never expected to meet his twin brother, Frost. What's more, with Drago assembling his army, will the dragon master be able to tame his brother's instincts before the world burns?

  • My Only Friend

    AU: Since Ichigo was little, there's always been a voice in the back of his head, his twin brother...

  • A White Rose Painted in Red

    When Hater finds something special about Wander, he can't bring himself to kill him, so he keeps him as a pet.

  • Quantum Mate Theory: An Easter Delight

    After a couple months engaged, Adam and Allen are finally getting married, and they've decided something that will change their lives forever.

  • Theirs

    At seventeen, Harry Potter's feeling low, his only comfort is a diary everyone thought he destroyed. And when he meets Voldemort again, determined to die after handing over the horcruxes, everything's going to change. Lucius X Snape X Voldemort X Harry

  • Circle You, Circle You Kagome, Kagome

    Voldemort never existed. After all if Tom Marvolo Riddle was murdered before he became an adult, there would never be one. Harry, orphaned by a freak accident, lives with his godfather and Remus on the edge of a muggle woods where Wool's Orphanage is. If only Harry had listened to the warnings. Tom x Harry. Yaoi. Based partly off of Kagome, Kagome by Vocaloid.

  • China Doll Wizard

    Harry is not a Potter, he's a Lestrange. His parents are in jail, he lives with his cousin. And he's a cross-dresser. What's an 11 year old boy to do. Slytherin!Harry, Dark!Harry, Nice!Voldemort, Nice!Deatheaters...

  • Bloodied Prince

    "Severus, she betrayed us! And… and she turned you into a monster!" "I'm a monster now am I? If that's the case, then go, you simple minded fools. Go, I never want to see you again!" Full Summary Inside.

  • Roses

    Poetry is beautiful... even more so when it's the last thing you leave. Even when it's your last goodbye. One sided Harry x Voldemort

  • Potion's Master

    A poem by Harry on the subject of his lover, Hogwart's resident potion's master, Severus Snape.

  • My Name is Harry

    Harry Potter's life told through poem style. Really, the title says it all.

  • Circus Monster

    In Azkaban, Harry's only company is three dementors. Or so he thought. Death's been watching his master, waiting for him to leave. And when he does, Voldemort is reserected and stuck to him. Prepare Harry, prepare. Harry X Voldemort. Losely based off of Circus Monster by Luka Megurine Vocaloid Neko!Voldemort. Dark!Harry.

  • Hide and Seek

    Hide and Seek, a game or something more? If it is something more, than what is it? Harry finds that when he plays the game, it could be more. Fred x Harry x George. Established relationship. For Rose Haven

  • Louder Than Thuder

    Sirius is dead, leaving his godson in ruins. On the brink of giving up, Harry, who just longs for things to be quiet, finds his reason for living... Voldemort.