

  • To Die by Your Side is Such a Heavenly Way to Die

    A collection of drabbles written in response to prompts given on tumblr. Chapter 5 - December brings the first Hogsmeade visit since James and Lily got together.

  • When We Go Crashing Down

    "Don't let yourself be unhappy because of something that wasn't your fault."

  • Little Lion Man

    Ron wonders if cowardice is contagious. Percy wonders if bravery is.

  • The Elemental Secret

    To the outside world, Lily Evans appears to be fearless, and for the most part it's true. But Lily's been hiding her biggest fear from everyone for a very long time and of course, out of all the people who could find out, it would be James Potter. But, not for the first time, Potter manages to surprise her in the best way possible. Pre-Jily

  • Secrets Are Like Gold Dust

    In a family like the Blacks, being able to keep a secret is as rare and as valuable as gold dust. And yet, this was precisely what Andromeda was attempting to do, and was so far, succeeding at. This might possibly be the most important secret of her life, and if she can't keep it, then it's not only herself she needs to worry about. Andromeda/Ted