...because he might tell you something important that you miss.
It was ironic, how the Sakura's tears were lies and the snow's tears were invisible to all who stood in the draft.
He wondered, for a time, if it did.
Kiryu had just started believing in duelling again too.
There was already a cat from the Zodiac, but she felt like one too.
Annie wasn't going to let Saki move on.
Though Ichigo still wonders if he made the right choice in cutting down that first Hollow.
Nobody but other Meramon could punch him - until Marcus Damon came along.
It was family that had made her wild, but family that had also brought her back down to earth.
Because, while Hatori was okay most times, sometimes the pain from the past took him under.
Yuuko had a wish as well, but she could not fulfill it with her own hands.
[haiku] So few words can sometimes spell out a flower's breath of possibilities.
What was the point in being able to fly when there was nowhere worth flying to?
Yin loved the moon dancing to her song.
They really did seem extra bright in those first few days, before they went dull.
There wasn't enough of him left to cringe to the taste.
It was stifled in clouds and guarded by a deadly dragon.
There were two paths, and only an adult could choose his one. - Anakin, before the massacre at the Jedi's Temple.
Because there was really no way to be sure, and all they could do was look at the identical little bundles and hope.
[Pokemon Adventures] Emerald wasn't too sure why he kept on lying to himself.