
  • Superhero Dating for Dummies

    Margo never sees him. She checks the box for his bag, leaves the snacks out as per the terms of their deal, takes up a spot on her window seat to wait for him but she never sees him. But what Spider-Man doesn't know is that when Margo sets her mind on doing something, nothing stops her - not even an equally determined superhero man-child. Peter x OC.

  • Scenes From A War

    Remus Lupin is hiding something. Sirius Black is stealing her cakes. James is pursuing Lily. Em Withers is going to have her hands full trying to keep up with this lot. (Marauder's Era)

  • The Evans

    Petunia Evans had always known that day would come, she had been dreading it from the moment she had seen Vernon raise his hand to strike her nephew. The moment she had decided to pack up and take her boys far from Vernon Dursley. The day Harry became her nephew and not just the shadow of her long-dead sister. One-Shot.

  • The Road to Hell

    IF Monty McGregor had stopped there, left the strangeness of Remus Lupin behind her, the moment would have been forgotten. Monty McGregor would have gone on in life as another simple, if a little odd, muggle, and there would be nothing further to say on the subject of the lives of Monty McGregor and Remus Lupin.

  • 1981, Halloween

    She knows the wizards will be celebrating, praising Lily Potter for defeating the Dark Lord, for they are now finally free. As they set off their shooting stars and down their firewhiskey, they'll be unaware of the small muggle who changed everything...