
  • Come Let Us Adore Him

    Hermione Granger scoured the subreddits, perused the checklists, and read virtually everything possible on how to be an all star Congressional intern and staffer. She had her job responsibilities well in hand, but instructions on how to handle the attention of an upstart Congressman Draco Malfoy were nowhere to be found. US politics AU: Congressional staffer Hermione, Congressman

  • Graves into Gardens

    Tom Riddle capitalizes on the tragedy that is the brightest witch of her age scrubbing tables like a house elf in Diagon Alley.

  • Once Removed

    A sane and power hungry Tom Riddle is given a solution to solve wizarding Britain's two biggest problems: declining pure-blood births and muggleborns. All it takes is one spell to change their world forever. On one winter night, three-month-old Jean Granger becomes Hermione Lestrange, the first muggleborn to undergo a ritual that will forever blur the lines of pure and impure. Whe

  • Sweetly Falling in Tune

    When 20-year-old Auror Harry Potter is sent on a mission to take out the last vestiges of Death Eaters 14 years after Voldemort's defeat, the last thing he expected was to rescue an omega who smelled like the perfect fall day.

  • Flames Burn Down Together

    Abraxas made sure to show his son how a Malfoy man cares for his wife. Lucius did his best to follow his father's example.

  • some kind of light at the end (back at the beginning)

    By May, Voldemort is dead. Come July, almost everyone else is dead. A rescue plan is hatched with little more than a sliver of hope, international cooperation and 107 time-turners. *Time-traveling Marauders AU with pureblood Hermione*