

  • Let's Meet

    A short story based on Ningguang's birthday letter.

  • A Wolf's Words

    Growing up with wolves, there was never a need to learn how to read or write. Even when exposed to books, Razor never liked learning to read or write, not when words themselves never made any sense to him.

  • Devouring Flames

    He had seen this before. He had seen it all before. He had doomed yet another world.

  • Outrider's Invitation!

    A short story based on Amber's birthday letter.

  • Names Intertwined (That Which Binds)

    The bonds of a soulmate can traverse through worlds. However, a bond can only grow through physical contact. What does forever mean if you have never once heard your soulmate in centuries? (Submitted for #ficwip5k 2022)

  • To Live Free (Even When You Are Gone)

    There are no victors in war, only death, pain, and suffering. However, even in war, a monster could still find love.

  • A Small Trade

    A short story based on Heizou's birthday letter

  • Let's Meet Up!

    A short story based on Tartaglia's birthday letter.

  • Your World In Our Eyes

    Most people would say that the Traveller is a strange person and his companion even stranger. His friends would disagree with most people and would happily inform them where they can shove their opinions, not that they would actually say that in front of the Traveller of course. (Sequel to Blind Traveller)

  • Tsesarevich

    In a different world, the Tsaritsa would have left as soon as Khaenri'ah fell. In a different world, the abyss prince would be born from the cries of cursed monsters clamouring for justice and salvation. However, this world is not that world. In this world, a cold hand offered salvation to a boy forcefully torn away from his beloved sister. In this world, there is the Tsaritsa and

  • My Secret Tip

    A short story based on Barbara's birthday letter.

  • Presenting Plot Armour

    Lumine did not want to write a product review on plot armour. She did not see the point of writing a product review on plot armour. However, Lumine was also very broke and was in dire need of mora, so she did in fact write a product review on plot armour. Lumine Week 2022 Day 7 - Free Day

  • Bonds of Friendship

    The bonds of friendship can be strong but is it strong enough to withstand Lumine's desire to keep a distance?

  • Babysitting Is A Job Best Left To The Professionals

    Aether is a man of many talents and many skills. Unfortunately, babysitting is not one of them.

  • In Memory Of

    A person can be defined by their memories. So what happens if you strip a person of their memories? Lumine Week 2022 Day 5 - Reincarnation AU

  • The Meaning of Home

    Do you know Inteyvat and its meaning? Lumine Week 2022 Day 4 - Inteyvat/Abyss

  • A Week's Worth of Rest

    Lumine does not know the meaning of rest so she would greatly appreciate it if Paimon would just stop telling her to take a break. Lumine Week 2022 Day 3 - Relaxation

  • Plot? What Plot?

    According to all known laws of Teyvat, there is no way that Lumine should be able to ignore the PLOT. Her goals meant that it would be easier to steer her away from giant scary dragons and evil-looking witches. Lumine, of course, ignores the PLOT anyway, because Lumine does not care what Paimon thinks about the PLOT. Lumine Week 2022 Day 2 - Paimon

  • Gazing at Starless Night

    Lumine always had a habit of gazing at the stars every night to look at both her and her brother's constellations. However, little did she know, Teyvat did not share the same sky as the one she knew. Lumine Week 2022 Day 1 - Constellations

  • The Wind Returns

    A short story based on Venti's birthday letter.