This is a sequel to to the story 'Shades of Green' by 'TJKing17.' This is what happens in all non canon shipping stories. I know you have your own opinion, but since I'm a disciple of the wizarding god and goddess and all, they hate non canon ships because all non canon shipping stories are blasphemous to the wizarding god and goddess considering it goes against their plans.
The Afterlife Destination Book in the non canon shipping worlds, explained in depth inside the story and all.
These are two stories in one and full titles: The Ultimate Weasley Prank: Afterlife of Frederick Gideon Weasley Sequel to the Ultimate Weasley Prank by Airshiphead/ A Veela In Need: Life and Afterlife by Andrew Charlus Anderson sequel to A Veela in Need by Airshiphead. Sequel to A Veela In Need by Airshiphead.
This story is either a continuance of Hermione's Realization and Ginny's Insight or a sequel, that was formerly by 'chem prof'. Afterlives of non-canon shipping couples are shown here and the reasons why they are going to wizarding hell and all. Nobody has a human choice nor 'free will' in the wizarding god's world. They have 1/32 of free will, but nothing more than that.
Two Hearts Reunited Continuace.
An Inconvenient Marriage Afterlives, Rebirths and Restarts by Andrew Charlus Potter. Sequel to 'An Inconvenient Marriage' by 'Colubrina' 'a disgusting immoral fanfiction author.' This is what happened in non canon shipping world's afterlives and how they are tortured and what happens when a soul disintegrates in wizarding hell and all.
This is a continuation of 'Auburn Burn' by 'Slightlysickpsycho' and this contains cloning, Harry Killing Snape for Ginny cheating on Harry , Harry killing Ginny for her cheating on him, is forgiven by Ginny's parents, because they said, she deserved her death for cheating on Harry and questioning her love for harry as well. Afterlife torture wizarding hell as well.
This fixes the non canon shipping stories of this story because I am a disciple of the wizarding god and goddess. Blood-marriage/Soul Bond, afterlife destination, wizarding hell afterlife experience shown.
The Ending of the story created originally by fanfiction author 'FanfictionWriter 101. Full title of the story is this: Sensations of Shemales: Items of Aprhodomia:Ch43: Harry and Ginny's Death and rebirth
This is the sequel to the fanfiction story titled 'Say It to My Face' Where D/G shipped happen and this is the wizarding god and goddess punishments for non-canon shipping couples. Includes punishment for the fanfiction authors that create the non-canon shipping couples as well, too.
Title should explain it all.
Real Person Fanfiction combined with Harry Potter fanfiction.
Full Title: What happens to the non canon shipping HP Characters & Fanfiction Author's when they die, this is the true afterlife of all non canon shipping characters & the fanfiction authors' that create them. The torture, should be a good show. With blood curdling screams, while their 242,000 multiplied bits are being blended N a gigantic blender. This is the punishment for them.
The story explains itself, i hope.
Harry Potter and the new life...(The Sequel to Harry Potter the ex-lover's doppelganger's) FYI, the wizarding god doesn't care if he's stifling your creativity, you should've thought of adding your own bad & good afterlives before you wrote your stories. Ships are Harry/Ginny. Other ships are mentioned within the story itself and all, just so you know.
This is the sequel to the story 'Image of you', where Ginny and Hermione are lesbians. Ron & Harry are straight. This is what will happen if this ever did happen in the original story & all, which thankfully it didn't. FYI, the wizarding god doesn't care if he's stifling your creativity, you should've thought of adding your own bad & good afterlives before you wrote your stories.
This is based on the story of 'The Four Apprentices' by 'old crow' read the originals and this replaces the story itself and all, well not fully, but replaces the ending at least. read the authors notes and you'll understand, what i mean and all. This is way to hopefully make people understand what happens when they go against canon ships. The
Harry Potter and the fanfiction authors creation's tortures (in other words, which ever fanfiction author create non-shipping canon couples, well, let's just say they will suffer as their creation will suffer too.) Read the ending.
This is what will happen to fanfiction authors who go against the canon world, the true canon world, similar to jkr's world & warner brother's movies but quite different as well & they blasphemed the wizarding god,& the wizarding god takes great pleasure in torturing the authors.. This is a sample of what will happen to all noncanon shipping authors no matter what. Nothingyoucando.
Weasley's Scrooged Epilogue and all, sequel to original Weasley's scrooged.