

  • Elysium

    Firenze stands vigil over an old friend at his funeral and offers him a blessing to help him find the Elysium Fields. Drabble - House Cup Competition - Round One

  • Intertwined

    When Professor Flitwick pairs up his 6th year NEWTs class for a project, Ron is partnered with Millicent Bulstrode. There task is to ward an object against intrusion. The magically compatible teams must work together or risk failing the project. Can they pull it off? Slice of life/School House Cup Competition fic.

  • Crush

    A well aimed retort from Harry leaves Severus Snape reeling.

  • Bridges

    After the death of Lily and James, Remus reaches out to another wounded soul. You can never have enough friends, can you? Drabble, challenge fic. friendship - no slash

  • Dead Boy's Poem

    Regulus Black has had niggling doubts about The Dark Lord for quite some time now. Only now that he has abused his beloved elf Kreacher will Regulus make a stand against him. Tonight he takes matters into his own hands and seeks to begin the process of returning the immortal Dark Lord to a mortal man, knowing he will will not make it home. Warnings: Dark themes, character death.