
  • The Fuckening

    The Fuckening (noun): When your day is going too well and you don't trust it and some shit finally goes down. In this case, this day was fourteen months into Draco Malfoy's Azkaban sentence - September the 8th, 1999. Ever since the war ended, he had just been existing. His mother just existed. He didn't know if his father still exists or if the outside world continued to exist.

  • Bohemian Nights

    "Get away, take a break" they said. "Find a holiday romance - live a little!" As a last chance of freedom before she settled into her career, Hermione escaped to a place far from the British shores. She smiled under a different sun and laughed with strangers. That is until the winds of change blow into the harbour and she takes a drink that will change her life forever. (DxHr)

  • Koi no Yokan

    She was tired. No, tired didn't even begin to cover it. Exhausted perhaps? Though that too felt minimal, as if she'd passed that line a long while ago. With everything that's going on and from her ever-growing list of tasks, Hermione is looking forward to an easy day of Malfoy-sitting duties. But apparently, someone else had another idea. (background D x Hr)

  • The Devil's Strawberry

    To Pansy Parkinson, a human lifetime is like a drop in the ocean of time. Time was just an endless existence of grey. Until something came along that captured her attention, changing the course of time forever. All it took was one deal, some strawberries, a gambit and a moment of blindness to see the truth. (F/F - Pavender)

  • Ibrat - 13th of September 1999

    "Uh, Weasley?" The tent flap opened, allowing in a gust of cold night air. Hermione turned to see Malfoy standing awkwardly at the entrance, his grey eyes glassier than usual. "As much as it pains me to say this," Malfoy stated, his tone clipped, "Daphne needs you. She's by the fire out front." Extended scene from chapter 18 The Crownless part 1 - the Fuckening (R x D)

  • Songbird

    Theo burned when he was hidden by shadows. It was simply a fact of his life. After all these years, after everything he had gone through, why did he find his light in the shadowed tomb of Azkaban? (M/M NottPott)

  • Whiskey Whispers

    Hermione is hungry. No, not hungry - ravenous! And Draco is the only thing she's craving. No matter how their story is spun, their throes of passion are undeniably unforgettable. (Satire Smut Crack DxHR)

  • Fear of the Dark

    They say that curiosity killed the cat, but they never finish the saying, which is an annoying fact when one finds themself on a cliff-edge. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. (DxHr)

  • Moribund

    "He hunted her. He knew he shouldn't. For every truth that he held to be true, that was one he held the tightest... But Merlin knew he was weak."