
  • Real Present

    As Christmas Eve rolled around Ayane Hylo took upon the mantle of Santa Claus, delivering presents to all the folks in the surrounding apartment buildings... and naturally, her childhood friend and roommate was roped into helping her. By the end of it, though, neither would have any complaints about it. [Smut] [Cyberlive]

  • Arizona Heat

    A year later Christmas nears once again, and Arizona has a special kind of present for the Commander in store, one she gladly gives to him early. [Smut]

  • A Week of Want

    After being stuck on a commission that should've taken two days, but ended up taking a week, Suzukaze reunites with the Admiral eagerly - and the pair waste no time in sating their needs. [Smut]

  • Ho Ho Ho

    With Christmas Eve having arrived, the Commander goes through his yearly tradition: handing out presents, filling stockings... and filling Ship-Girls too. And not with food. [Smut]

  • Cabin In The Snow

    Gathering at an isolated cabin out in the middle of nowhere, Ina'nis finds herself getting caught up in a snowstorm. Thankfully when she gets to the cabin Kiara is there waiting for her... and only Kiara. Leaving them alone, together. The result was, perhaps, inevitable. [Smut]

  • Pie Making

    With Christmas naught but days away, Seattle joins in on the festivities and helps the others with baking up a feast for the base. Naturally as her husband the Commander helps her out, though they soon shifting from baking a cake to making a pie - and not the food kind. [Smut]

  • Tight Chimneys

    With Enterprise taking a year off, Agano opts to take over as Santa Claus for the region. When nearly caught delivering presents to one house however Agano tries to escape... and gets stuck in the chimney, with her lower half still visible to the young man who descends the stairs. [Smut] [Ficlet]

  • Roll For Stealth Check

    After defeating a group of crime lords, MarvelousAQL and Tamsoft take a relaxing walk through the park, heading back home. That was until a group of Shinobi come for payback, and a quick battle soon renders both women naked; left to scramble through alleyways back to MarvelousAQL's apartment. [Smut] (Warning: non-con)

  • Cosy

    With the winter season in full swing, Mumei and her boyfriend hole themselves up in her cabin, decorating it with plenty of festive flair. Snuggling by the fire with cookies and cocoa kept them cosy too; and inevitably eases them into the mood for something intimate. [Smut] [Hololive]

  • Hearth

    Christmas had so very nearly arrived for the Naval Base, and as such the Commander had decorated his home with festive cheer. Aiding him in preparing the presents Cooper did the wrapping, Allen the baking and Ingraham the technical work. But with Ingraham and Allen busy and leaving him alone with Cooper, a playful kiss soon turns into something more behind closed doors. [Smut]

  • Taking More Than A Soul

    Being a Grim Reaper could be a tricky job. Thus, Calliope sought to ease the soon-deceased onto the afterlife, prior to their death itself. What she didn't expect was to come across one soul who wanted a final wish; one involving her. [Smut] [Hololive]

  • Sisterly Acceptance

    Out of drinking buddies and with nobody else to whisk away to the bar, Kii convinces Suruga to join her lest she have to go alone. Suruga agrees... though Kii quickly figures out why when she finds a bulge in her sister's skirt. [Smut]

  • Short

    Baelz was short. Her boyfriend Alex was tall. The latter fact came in handy... though, it also tended to lead to some more interesting ways of expressing affection, when they got in the mood. [Smut] [Hololive]

  • Teasing Games

    Bored and waiting at Schale's office for Sensei to finish his work, Mutsuki takes to teasing him over the course of an hour, riling him up throughout it. By the time he's finished with his work and able to play, the only games on Mutsuki's mind are of the risqué quality - inevitably leading to her on his desk, and with a frustrated Sensei atop her. [Smut]

  • Rough Racing

    Serving as a Race Queen for a racing event, Enterprise is soon pulled aside by the Commander for a little break - one that leaves them both a little overheated, and not from the sun. [Smut]

  • Stardust

    "What did they do to you, Enterprise?" A month had passed since Enterprise had suddenly vanished into a Mirror Sea, never to be seen again. Until one day she shows up during a battle, beaten and haggard, but alive. It soon becomes apparent, however, that the damage goes far, far deeper than anyone expected... as do the mysteries that now surround her.

  • Festival Cheer

    During the yearly festival held by the Sakura Empire, the Commander and his wife Prinz Heinrich reminisce back on their marriage - only to be surprised when Heinrich's insecurities rise up about being a bad wife. Some comfort soon transforms into something much more intimate, and heated. [Smut]

  • A Something-Something

    Noticing how much Amelia has been working, Gura decides to tempt her to bed - with the promise of a little something-something in the morning. [Smut] [Hololive]

  • Charged and Prosecuted

    Caught making out with a subordinate, the Commander finds himself hauled back to 'jail' by Minsk - and soon is 'punished' by her for his transgressions. [Smut]

  • Sanity Depletion

    After suffering through a hectic week at work, the Doctor's run out of sanity - leaving him to seek out Closure. When he finds her fast asleep, however, he ends up taking sanity recovery into his own hands. [Smut]